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Computer Networks

Computer Networks Image
4th Edition
Computer Networks, Fourth Edition is the ideal introduction to computer networks. Renowned author, educator, and researcher Andrew S. Tanenbaum has updated his classic best seller to reflect the newest technologies, including 802.11, broadband wireless, ADSL, Bluetooth, gigabit Ethernet, the Web, the wireless Web, streaming audio, IPsec, AES, quantum cryptography, and more. Using real-world examples, Tanenbaum explains how networks work on the inside, from underlying physical layer hardware up through today's most popular network applications....

Distributed Systems

Principles and Paradigms
Distributed Systems Image
2nd Edition
Virtually every computing system today is part of a distributed system. Programmers, developers, and engineers need to understand the underlying principles and paradigms as well as the real-world application of those principles. Now, internationally renowned expert Andrew S. Tanenbaum with colleague Martin van Steen presents a complete introduction that identifies the seven key principles of distributed systems, with extensive examples of each. Adds a completely new chapter on architecture to address the principle of organizing distributed systems. Provides extensive new material on peer-to-peer systems, grid computing and Web services, virtualization, and application-level multicasting. Updates material on clock synchronization, data-centric con...

Modern Operating Systems

Modern Operating Systems Image
2nd Edition
For introductory courses in Operating Systems in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering programs. This widely anticipated revision of a worldwide best seller incorporates the latest developments in operating systems technologies and contains complete chapters on computer security, multimedia operating systems, Windows 2000, and operating system design....

Modern Operating Systems

Modern Operating Systems Image
3rd Edition
The widely anticipated revision of this worldwide best-seller incorporates the latest developments in operating systems technologies. The Third Edition includes up-to-date materials on relevant operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and embedded real-time and multimedia systems. Includes new and updated coverage of multimedia operating systems, multiprocessors, virtual machines, and antivirus software. Covers internal workings of Windows Vista (Ch. 11); unique even for current publications. Provides information on current research based Tanenbaum's experiences as an operating systems researcher. A useful reference for programmers....

Operating Systems Design and Implementation

Operating Systems Design and Implementation Image
3rd Edition
Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 3e , is ideal for introductory courses on computer operating systems. Written by the creator of Minux, professional programmers will now have the most up-to-date tutorial and reference available today. Revised to address the latest version of MINIX (MINIX 3), this streamlined, simplified new edition remains the only operating systems text to first explain relevant principles, then demonstrate their applications using a Unix-like operating system as a detailed example. It has been especially designed for high reliability, for use in embedded systems, and for ease of teaching....

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