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Unity Game Development Blueprints

Unity Game Development Blueprints Image
Explore the various enticing features of Unity and learn how to develop awesome games About This BookCreate a wide variety of projects with Unity in multiple genres and formatsComplete art assets with clear step-by-step examples and instructions to complete all tasks using Unity, C#, and MonoDevelopDevelop advanced internal and external environments for games in 2D and 3DWho This Book Is ForIf you want to build enticing projects with Unity, this book is for you. Readers who are familiar with the basics of how to create simple projects in Unity will have an easier time. In Detail Unity 3D is a powerful and popular game development tool that has taken game developers by storm. It is a cross-platform game engine, enabling you to write your game once and...

Force.com Development Blueprints

Force.com Development Blueprints Image
Design and develop real-world, cutting-edge cloud applications using the powerful Force.com development framework with this book and ebook Overview Create advanced cloud applications using the best Force.com technologies Bring your cloud application ideas to market faster using the proven Force.com infrastructure Step-by-step tutorials show you how to quickly develop real-world cloud applications In Detail No one can dispute the sheer power and breadth of the Force.com cloud development platform and its influence on thousands of developers across the world. The staggering number of technologies on offer can cause confusion among developers when it comes to using them to build real-world applications.Starting with how to develop a Salesforce communi...

Kali Linux CTF Blueprints

Kali Linux CTF Blueprints Image
Build, test, and customize your own Capture the Flag challenges across multiple platforms designed to be attacked with Kali Linux Overview Put the skills of the experts to the test with these tough and customisable pentesting projects Develop each challenge to suit your specific training, testing, or client engagement needs Hone your skills, from wireless attacks to social engineering, without the need to access live systems In Detail As attackers develop more effective and complex ways to compromise computerized systems, penetration testing skills and tools are in high demand. A tester must have varied skills to combat these threats or fall behind. This book provides practical and customizable guides to set up a variety of exciting challenge proj...

Agile Project Management with GreenHopper 6 Blueprints

Agile Project Management with GreenHopper 6 Blueprints Image
An intuitive guide to efficiently track and manage projects in an agile way using GreenHopper for JIRA Overview Manage multi-project and multi-team backlog items for agile projects Learn how to use GreenHoppers rich interface features to focus on the work at hand and increase productivity Easy agile process adoption with pre-sets for Scrum & Kanban In Detail Agile methodologies like Scrum focus on customer values in an incremental way. Regular planning, tracking, reporting, and improving can become equally challenging from a project management perspective. GreenHopper is a tooling support for JIRA that offers easy adoption of agile practices through rich interfaces for effective team collaboration and project management. Agile Project Managemen...

SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services Blueprints

SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services Blueprints Image
Use real-world situations to develop real-world solutions Overview Detailed coverage of the various reporting options available Build end-to-end report solutions based on SSRS Learn from realistic situations to offer outstanding solutions In Detail SQL Server 2012 accounts for a huge share of the database market, and more and more companies are implementing SSRS as part of their BI implementation. Its Reporting Services offers a comprehensive, highly scalable solution that enables real-time decision making. SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services Blueprints is intended to be just that, a series of Blueprints things that work straight out of the box and that mirror what a real job requires real report developers to do. You will not be bored with an Intr...

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