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Your visual blueprint for designing effective Web pages
If you've ever been curious about any of the multitude of internet acronyms, the web technologies they represent, and how they can benefit you, this book is a great place to start. This book covers all the necessary topics to get up and running with HTML, XHTML, and CSS while offering readers a guide to modern, standards-based design. Key tasks covered in the book include setting up a Web page, reducing image resolution, creating radio buttons, adding a hit counter, adding an embedded sound, adding content from other sites such as integrating a blog and creating an RSS feed. Large topics are broken into smaller, more approachable sub-topics that are clearly explained on two pages eliminating the back and forth page flipping required in other referenc...

The Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science

Cost-Effective Large Scale Software Development
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A groundbreaking, unifying theory of computer science for low-cost, high-quality softwareThe Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science represents the culmination of more than thirty years of the author's hands-on experience in software development, which has resulted in a remarkable and sensible philosophy and practice of software development. It provides a groundbreaking ontology of computer science, while describing the processes, methodologies, and constructs needed to build high-quality, large-scale computer software systems on schedule and on budget.Based on his own experience in developing successful, low-cost software projects, the author makes a persuasive argument for developers to understand the philosophical underpinnings of software. He asse...

Agile Database Techniques

Effective Strategies for the Agile Software Developer
Agile Database Techniques Image
Describes Agile Modeling Driven Design (AMDD) and Test-Driven Design (TDD) approaches, database refactoring, database encapsulation strategies, and tools that support evolutionary techniquesAgile software developers often use object and relational database (RDB) technology together and as a result must overcome the impedance mismatchThe author covers techniques for mapping objects to RDBs and for implementing concurrency control, referential integrity, shared business logic, security access control, reports, and XMLAn agile foundation describes fundamental skills that all agile software developers require, particularly Agile DBAsIncludes object modeling, UML data modeling, data normalization, class normalization, and how to deal with legacy databases...

Effective Java

Effective Java Image
2nd Edition
Are you looking for a deeper understanding of the Java programming language so that you can write code that is clearer, more correct, more robust, and more reusable? Look no further! Effective Java, Second Edition, brings togetherseventy-eight indispensable programmer's rules of thumb: working, best-practice solutions for the programming challenges you encounter every day. This highly anticipated new edition of the classic, Jolt Award-winning work has been thoroughly updated to cover Java SE 5 and Java SE 6 features introduced since the first edition. Bloch explores new design patterns and language idioms, showing you how to make the most of featu...

Effective awk Programming

Effective awk Programming Image
3rd Edition
Effective awk Programming,3rd Edition, focuses entirely on awk, exploring it in the greatest depth of the three awk titles we carry. It's an excellent companion piece to the more broadly focused second edition.This book provides complete coverage of the gawk 3.1 language as well as the most up-to-date coverage of the POSIX standard for awk available anywhere. Author Arnold Robbins clearly distinguishes standard awk features from GNU awk (gawk)-specific features, shines light into many of the "dark corners" of the language (areas to watch out for when programming), and devotes two full chapters to example programs. A brand new chapter is devot...

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