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Embedded Image Processing on the TMS320C6000 DSP

Examples in Code Composer Studio and MATLAB
Embedded Image Processing on the TMS320C6000 DSP Image
This is an application-oriented book includes debugged efficient C implementations of real-world algorithms, in a variety of languages/environments, offering unique coverage of embedded image processing.covers TI technologies and applies them to an important market (important: features the C6416 DSK)Also covers the EVM should not be lost, especially the C6416 DSK, a much more recent DSP.Algorithms treated here are frequently missing from other image processing texts, in particular Chapter 6 (Wavelets), moreover, efficient fixed-point implementations of wavelet-based algorithms also treated.Provide numerous Visual Studio .NET 2003 C/C++ code, that show how to use MFC, GDI+, and the Intel IPP library to prototype image processing applications...

Embedded Control Systems in C/C++

Embedded Control Systems in C/C++ Image
Implement proven design techniques for control systems without having to master any advanced mathematics. Using an effective step-by-step approach, this book presents a number of control system design techniques geared toward readers of all experience le...

The Linux TCP/IP Stack

Networking for Embedded Systems
The Linux TCP/IP Stack Image
The Linux TCP/IP Stack: Networking for Embedded Systems provides an in-depth guide to implementing and using the Linux TCP/IP stack in embedded systems projects. It begins with a general overview of TCP/IP networking, with background information on applicable networking standards. From there, it details the TCP/IP implementation in Linux 2.6 by following a packet of data as it flows through the stack from the sending system, out the wire, and back through the input side of the stack in the receiving machine. This unique approach gives programmers an "inside" look at the entire process. Throughout the text, topics of particular interest to engineers implementing embedded systems are discussed, such as sockets, network interfaces, application...

Embedded Computing

A VLIW Approach to Architecture, Compilers and Tools
Embedded Computing Image
The fact that there are more embedded computers than general-purpose computers and that we are impacted by hundreds of them every day is no longer news. What is news is that their increasing performance requirements, complexity and capabilities demand a new approach to their design. Fisher, Faraboschi, and Young describe a new age of embedded computing design, in which the processor is central, making the approach radically distinct from contemporary practices of embedded systems design. They demonstrate why it is essential to take a computing-centric and system-design approach to the traditional elements of nonprogrammable components, peripherals, interconnects and buses. These elements must be unified in a system design with high-performance proces...

Multi-Core Embedded Systems

Multi-Core Embedded Systems Image
Details a real-world product that applies a cutting-edge multi-core architecture Increasingly demanding modern applicationssuch as those used in telecommunications networking and real-time processing of audio, video, and multimedia streamsrequire multiple processors to achieve computational performance at the rate of a few giga-operations per second. This necessity for speed and manageable power consumption makes it likely that the next generation of embedded processing systems will include hundreds of cores, while being increasingly programmable, blending processors and configurable hardware in a power-efficient manner. Multi-Core Embedded Systems presents a variety of perspectives that elucidate the technical challenges associated with such increa...

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