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Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits

Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits Image
Unlike books currently on the market, this book attempts to satisfy two goals: combine circuits and electronics into a single, unified treatment, and establish a strong connection with the contemporary world of digital systems. It will introduce a new way of looking not only at the treatment of circuits, but also at the treatment of introductory coursework in engineering in general. Using the concept of ''abstraction,'' the book attempts to form a bridge between the world of physics and the world of large computer systems. In particular, it attempts to unify electrical engineering and computer science as the art of creating and exploiting successive abstractions to manage the complexity of building useful electrical systems. Computer systems are simp...

Game Design Foundations

Game Design Foundations Image
This book is targeted for the beginner to intermediate wanna-be game designer who wants to learn a step-by-step, easy to follow process of expressing their concepts through documentation into a real game that a publisher or a development team can create....

Foundations of Algorithms

Using C++ Pseudocode
Foundations of Algorithms Image
3rd Edition
This book offers a well-balanced presentation on designing algorithms, complexity analysis of algorithms, and computational complexity that is accessible to mainstream computer science students who have a background in college algebra and discrete structures....

Foundations of Cryptography

Basic Tools
Foundations of Cryptography Image
Cryptography is concerned with the conceptualization, definition and construction of computing systems that address security concerns. This book presents a rigorous and systematic treatment of the foundational issues: defining cryptographic tasks and solving new cryptographic problems using existing tools. It focuses on the basic mathematical tools: computational difficulty (one-way functions), pseudorandomness and zero-knowledge proofs. Rather than describing ad-hoc approaches, this book emphasizes the clarification of fundamental concepts and the demonstration of the feasibility of solving cryptographic problems. It is suitable for use in a graduate course on cryptography and as a reference book for experts....

Foundations of Cryptography

A Primer
Foundations of Cryptography Image
Foundations of Cryptography surveys the main paradigms, approaches and techniques used to conceptualize, define and provide solutions to natural cryptographic problems. The author starts by presenting some of the central tools; that is, computational difficulty (in the form of one-way functions), pseudorandomness, and zero-knowledge proofs. Based on these tools, the emphasis is shifted to the treatment of basic applications such as encryption and signature schemes as well as the design of general secure cryptographic protocols. The author has created a unique overview that includes well over 100 references. The accent is on the clarification of fundamental concepts and on demonstrating the feasibility of solving several central cryptographic problems...

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