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Handbook eBooks Page 22

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Oracle SQL Internals Handbook

Oracle SQL Internals Handbook Image
Written by the world's top Oracle experts, this eBook is a super-advanced guide to hypercharging Oracle SQL performance. Not for the beginner, this is a guru-level overview of Oracle SQL internals tuning and may be beyond the ability of the average Oracle DBA. Explained are the internal mechanisms for Oracle indexing and how Oracle indexes can be used to fine-tune any Oracle database. Advanced Oracle SQL internals are also explored, including bitmap join indexes, STAR transformations, and SQL diagnostics and SQL tracing. This eBook is indispensable for anyone who must ensure that their Oracle SQL is optimally tuned....

Oracle Space Management Handbook

Oracle Space Management Handbook Image
Oracle Space Management Handbook: Written by some of the world's top authors, this exciting eBook provides you with everything that you need to know to manage Oracle storage. Explained are how to monitor and reduce disk I/O, how to set up tablespaces for maximum efficiency, and how to define Oracle tables and indexes to make the most efficient use of disk storage. Not for the beginner, this is a guru-level advanced Oracle handbook with highly detailed explanations of Oracle storage internals. This eBook is laden with useful scripts that will allow you to quickly see inside your data files and tablespaces and tune them for optimal performance. ...

C# Threading Handbook

C# Threading Handbook Image
This book addresses the fundamental units of Windows and .NET programming - threads. A strong understanding of the role threads play in program execution, how multiple threads can interact in order to make efficient programs, and the pitfalls to beware of when developing multithreaded applications, are all core to a developer's ability to develop effective C# programs. This book will cover how .NET applications are executed, the life cycle of a thread in .NET, how the .NET Framework uses threads, how threads work in an event-driven environment, how we can avoid race conditions and deadlocks, how the activity of multiple threads can be synchronized, and how to debug multithreaded applications. We finish it off by describing the creation of a multithre...

The Wireless Data Handbook

The Wireless Data Handbook Image
4th Edition
This new edition of a highly successful book is completely updated and revised to reflect the latest developments involving the transmission of digital information over wireless networks. Written by an industry expert with over 32 years in the field, the Wireless Data Handbook offers a broad, unbiased treatment-unencumbered by various corporate interests-covering both the technical and business aspects of wireless technologies....

The Mac Hacker's Handbook

The Mac Hacker's Handbook Image
As more and more vulnerabilities are found in the Mac OS X (Leopard) operating system, security researchers are realizing the importance of developing proof-of-concept exploits for those vulnerabilities. This unique tome is the first book to uncover the flaws in the Mac OS X operating systemand how to deal with them. Written by two white hat hackers, this book is aimed at making vital information known so that you can find ways to secure your Mac OS X systems, and examines the sorts of attacks that are prevented by Leopard's security defenses, what attacks aren't, and how to best handle those weaknesses....

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