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Handbook of Integral Equations

Handbook of Integral Equations Image
2nd Edition
Unparalleled in scope compared to the literature currently available, the Handbook of Integral Equations, Second Edition contains over 2,500 integral equations with solutions as well as analytical and numerical methods for solving linear and nonlinear equations. It explores Volterra, Fredholm, WienerHopf, Hammerstein, Uryson, and other equations that arise in mathematics, physics, engineering, the sciences, and economics. With 300 additional pages, this edition covers much more material than its predecessor. New to the Second Edition New material on Volterra, Fredholm, singular, hypersingular, dual, and nonlinear integral equations, integral transform...

Handbook of Applied Cryptography

Handbook of Applied Cryptography Image
Cryptography, in particular public-key cryptography, has emerged in the last 20 years as an important discipline that is not only the subject of an enormous amount of research, but provides the foundation for information security in many applications. Standards are emerging to meet the demands for cryptographic protection in most areas of data communications. Public-key cryptographic techniques are now in widespread use, especially in the financial services industry, in the public sector, and by individuals for their personal privacy, such as in electronic mail. This Handbook will serve as a valuable reference for the novice as well as for the expert who needs a wider scope of coverage within the area of cryptography. It is a necessary and timely gui...


HSDPA/HSUPA Handbook Image
High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) is a collection of two mobile telephony protocols, High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) and High Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA). Allowing networks based on the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System to achieve data rates of several megabits per second, these powerful protocols are ideal for applications ranging from file transfer to multimedia streaming. From basic concepts to research grade material, the HSDPA/HSUPA Handbook provides technical information on all aspects of HSDPA/HSUPA. With contributions from 30 experts from around the world, this comprehensive HSPA reference provides a global and authoritative perspective of this rapidly emerging technology. Investigates the relationship between HSD...

Cisco LAN Switching Configuration Handbook

Cisco LAN Switching Configuration Handbook Image
2nd Edition
Cisco LAN Switching Configuration Handbook Second Edition A concise reference for implementing the most frequently used features of the Cisco Catalyst family of switches Steve McQuerry, CCIE No. 6108 David Jansen, CCIE No. 5952 David Hucaby, CCIE No. 4594 Cisco LAN Switching Configuration Handbook, Second Edition, is a quick and portable reference guide to the most commonly used features that can be configured on Cisco Catalyst switches. Written to be used across all Catalyst IOS platforms, the book covers general use of Cisco IOS, followed by a series of chapters that provide design and configuration guidelines. Each chapter starts with common d...

Cisco BGP-4 Command and Configuration Handbook

Cisco BGP-4 Command and Configuration Handbook Image
The comprehensive, hands-on guide to all Cisco IOS(r) Software BGP-4 commands The complete BGP-4 command reference invaluable for network designers, engineers, and architects Provides configuration, troubleshooting, and verification scenarios for every possible BGP-4 command supported by Cisco IOS Software that can be implemented on a minimum number of routers Groups BGP-4 commands by area of implementation route aggregation, auto-summary, route filtering, and route advertisement, just to name a few Provides clear and concise commentary on the initial release, purpose, syntax, and usage of each BGP-4 command Offers excellent CCIE certification preparation from one of the CCIE Program Managers Includes supplementary information on regular expressio...

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