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Rails 4 Application Development

Rails 4 Application Development Image
Build simple to advanced applications in Rails 4 through 10 exciting projects Overview Build interesting application scenarios with Rails 4 Upgrade your knowledge for the latest changes in the Rails framework Follow the project-based approach to building applications from simple to advanced skill levels In Detail Rails is a rapidly moving, open source, web development framework, and keeping up to speed with it is a big task. You might have already built applications using it, but there have been significant changes in the syntax and semantic of the Rails framework in the latest upgrade. Upgrading applications needs an approach that not only helps the upgrade, but also helps to improve on what has already been built, so that it performs even better....

Corona SDK Hotshot

Corona SDK Hotshot Image
A detailed guide with 10 projects specifically designed to expand the fundamentals of this exciting mobile development platform! Overview Ten fully developed code projects that build on previous projects and present new techniques. Freely reusable art and sound files included with every project help you jumpstart your own development. Numerous advanced techniques to make the most out of Corona's features and the Lua programming language. In Detail If you've used the Corona Software Development Kit to build your very first new mobile app, you already know how easy it makes developing across all the pieces of this fragmented market. This book upgrades your knowledge of Lua and the Corona API with designs, habits and advanced concepts to speed your de...

Processing 2

Creative Coding Hotshot
Processing 2 Image
Learn Processing with exciting and engaging projects to make your computer talk, see, hear, express emotions, and even design physical objects Overview Teach your computer to create physical objects, visualize data, and program a custom hardware controller Create projects that can be run on a variety of platforms, ranging from desktop computers to Android smartphones Each chapter presents a complete project and guides you through the implementation using easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions In Detail Processing makes it convenient for developers, artists, and designers to create their own projects easily and efficiently. Processing offers you a platform for expressing your ideas and engaging audiences in new ways. This book teaches you everyth...

Tkinter GUI Application Development HOTSHOT

Tkinter GUI Application Development HOTSHOT Image
Develop exciting and engaging GUI applications in Python and Tkinter by working on 10 real-world applications Overview Develop 10 real GUI applications using procedural and object-oriented styles Write network programs, database-driven programs, multi-threaded programs and more with Tkinter A practical guide to discover the best practices involved in writing GUI applications In Detail Tkinter is the built-in GUI package that comes with standard python distributions. This means it is easy to get started right away, without any extra installation or configuration. Tkinter's strength lies in its simplicity of use and its intuitive nature which makes it suited for programmers and non-programmers alike. Once you get started, you will be surprised to see...

Yii Rapid Application Development Hotshot

Yii Rapid Application Development Hotshot Image
Become a RAD hotshot with Yii, the world's most popular PHP framework Overview A series of projects to help you learn Yii and Rapid Application Development. Learn how to build and incorporate key web technologies. Use as a cookbook to look up key concepts, or work on the projects from start to finish for a complete web application. In Detail Yii is a high performance PHP framework for rapid web application development. It is well designed, well supported, easy to learn, and easy to maintain. If you are beginning to learn web development or are a seasoned programmer with demanding clients, learning Yii will benefit your projects and career. Yii Rapid Application Development Hotshot will guide you through a series of projects covering a variety of we...

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