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Secure Coding

Principles and Practices
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Practically every day, we read about a new type of attack on computer systems and networks. Viruses, worms, denials of service, and password sniffers are attacking all types of systems -- from banks to major e-commerce sites to seemingly impregnable government and military computers --at an alarming rate.Despite their myriad manifestations and different targets, nearly all attacks have one fundamental cause: the code used to run far too many systems today is not secure. Flaws in its design, implementation, testing, and operations allow attackers all-too-easy access.Secure Coding, by Mark G. Graff and Ken vanWyk, looks at the problem of bad code in a new way. Packed with advice based on the authors' decades of experience in the computer security field...

Lean UX

Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience
Lean UX Image
The Lean UX approach to interaction design is tailor-made for today's web-driven reality. In this insightful book, leading advocate Jeff Gothelf teaches you valuable Lean UX principles, tactics, and techniques from the ground uphow to rapidly experiment with design ideas, validate them with real users, and continually adjust your design based on what you learn.Inspired by Lean and Agile development theories, Lean UX lets you focus on the actual experience being designed, rather than deliverables. This book shows you how to collaborate closely with other members of the product team, and gather feedback early and often. You'll learn how to drive the design in short, iterative cycles to assess what works best for the business and the user. Lean UX shows...

Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles

Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles Image
3rd Edition
Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles covers the essential principles that form the foundations for electrical and electronic engineering courses. The coverage of this new edition has been carefully brought in line with the core unit 'Electrical and Electronic Principles' of the 2007 BTEC National Engineering specification from Edexcel. As the book follows a logical topic progression rather than a particular syllabus, it is also suitable for other Level 3 students on vocational courses such as Vocational AS/A Level, City & Guilds courses and NVQs, as well as those taking foundation courses at pre-degree level including HNC/HND.Each chapt...

Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks

Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks Image
One of the greatest challenges faced by designers of digital systems is optimizing the communication and interconnection between system components. Interconnection networks offer an attractive and economical solution to this communication crisis and are fast becoming pervasive in digital systems. Current trends suggest that this communication bottleneck will be even more problematic when designing future generations of machines. Consequently, the anatomy of an interconnection network router and science of interconnection network design will only grow in importance in the coming years.This book offers a detailed and comprehensive presentation of the basic principles of interconnection network design, clearly illustrating them with numerous examples, c...

Principles of Quantum Computation and Information

Volume 1 Basic Concepts
Principles of Quantum Computation and Information Image
Quantum computation and information is a new, rapidly developing interdisciplinary field. Therefore, it is not easy to understand its fundamental concepts and central results without facing numerous technical details. This book provides the reader a useful and not-too-heavy guide. It offers a simple and self-contained introduction: no previous knowledge of quantum mechanics or classical computation is required. Volume 1 may be used as a textbook for a one-semester introductory course in quantum information and computation, both for upper-level undergraduate students and for graduate students. It contains a large number of solved exercises, which are an essential complement to the text, as they will help the student to become familiar with the subject...

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