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Software Design Methodology

From Principles to Architectural Styles
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Software design methodology has come a long way since the 1960s and 1970s when programmers were limited to Pascal/C and SA/SD to create systems. When creating information systems for today's world, many factors must be taken into consideration including globalization, the software lifecycle, modeling, coding, testing, and maintenance. * In depth coverage of large scale software systems and the handling of their design problems* Many worked examples, exercises and case studies to reinforce theory and practice* Gain an understanding of the general theory of design methodology...

Principles of Computer Security

CompTIA Security+ and Beyond Lab Manual
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2nd Edition
Written by leading IT security educators, this fully updated Lab Manual supplements Principles of Computer Security: CompTIA Security+ and Beyond, Second Edition Principles of Computer Security Lab Manual, Second Edition, contains more than 30 labs that challenge you to solve real-world problems with key concepts. Clear, measurable lab objectives map to CompTIA Security+ certification exam objectives, ensuring clear correspondence to Principles of Computer Security: CompTIA Security+ and Beyond, Second Edition. The Lab Manual also includes materials lists and lab set-up instructions. Step-by-step, not click-by click, lab scenarios require you to think ...

Principles of Web Design

The Web Technologies Series
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5th Edition
Joel Sklar has written the definitive text for Web site design, PRINCIPLES OF WEB DESIGN, Fifth Edition guiding readers through the entire Web site creation process, while developing and enhancing your HTML, CSS, and visual design skills along the way. Now updated to include the latest Web design technologies and trends, this Fifth Edition features all-new sections on HTML5, CSS3, CSS page layouts, and enhanced navigation as well as technical updates and new screen shots throughout. Beginning with the Web design environment and the principles of sound Web design, readers will continue to planning site layout and navigation, and progress to Web typograp...

Network Security Principles and Practices

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Expert solutions for securing network infrastructures and VPNs Build security into the network by defining zones, implementing secure routing protocol designs, and building safe LAN switching environments Understand the inner workings of the Cisco PIX Firewall and analyze in-depth Cisco PIX Firewall and Cisco IOS Firewall features and concepts Understand what VPNs are and how they are implemented with protocols such as GRE, L2TP, and IPSec Gain a packet-level understanding of the IPSec suite of protocols, its associated encryption and hashing functions, and authentication techniques Learn how network attacks can be categorized and how the Cisco IDS is designed and can be set upto protect against them Control network access by learning how AAA fits i...

Concurrent Programming in Java

Design Principles and Pattern
Concurrent Programming in Java Image
2nd Edition
* One of Java's most powerful capabilities is its built-in support for concurrent programming, a design technique in which multiple concurrent activities-threads take place inside a single Java program. Thread programming enables developers to design applications that are more responsive to user demands, faster, and more easily controlled. * This book offers comprehensive coverage of this vital aspect of the Java language. The book is completely up-to-date with the new thread model that is now incorporated into the most recent version of the Java Virtual Machine. All Java programmers interested in doing concurrent programming must understand these new ...

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