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Image Processing

Principles and Applications
Image Processing Image
Image processing-from basics to advanced applicationsLearn how to master image processing and compression with this outstanding state-of-the-art reference. From fundamentals to sophisticated applications, Image Processing: Principles and Applications covers multiple topics and provides a fresh perspective on future directions and innovations in the field, including:* Image transformation techniques, including wavelet transformation and developments* Image enhancement and restoration, including noise modeling and filtering* Segmentation schemes, and classification and recognition of objects* Texture and shape analysis techniques* Fuzzy set theoretical approaches in image processing, neural networks, etc.* Content-based image retrieval and image mining...

Electrical Engineering

Principles & Applications
Electrical Engineering Image
3rd Edition
The author's guiding philosophy in writing this book has three elements: to present basic concepts to readers in a general setting, to show how the principles of electrical engineering apply to specific problems in their own fields, and to remove frustration from the learning process. Emphasizing the basic concepts of the field, this book covers circuit analysis, digital systems, electronics, and electromechanics. This book develops theoretical and experimental skills and experiences in the following areas: basic circuit analysis and measurement, first- and second-order transients, steady-state ac circuits, resonance and frequency response, digital lo...

Digital Principles

Schaum's Outline
Digital Principles Image
3rd Edition
If you want top grades and thorough understanding of digital principles, this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have! It takes you step-by-step through the subject and gives you accompanying related problems with fully worked solutions. You also get additional problems to solve on your own, working at your own speed. (Answers at the back show you how you're doing.) Famous for their clarity, wealth of illustrations and examplesand lack of dreary minutiaeSchaum's Outlines have sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. This guide will show you why!...

Tradigital Blender

A CG Animator's Guide to Applying the Classic Principles of Animation
Tradigital Blender Image
Expand your animation toolkit with foundational animation techniques, software expertise, professional best-practices, proven and time-tested work flows. Roland Hess, a leading Blender artist and instructor, expertly navigates you through Blender's character animation systems and controls, with a focus on each of the classical principles of animation like timing, anticipation, appeal, staging, exaggeration, squash and stretch and much more. Unique from other software titles, the Tradigital series offers a specific tool-set of practical instruction and foundational knowledge that all great animators will need to know. Expand your digital workflow to include the practical resourceswith therobust companion web site that include demonstrations, project f...

The Essential Guide to User Interface Design

An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Techniques
The Essential Guide to User Interface Design Image
3rd Edition
Bringing together the results of more than 300 new design studies, an understanding of people, knowledge of hardware and software capabilities, and the author's practical experience gained from 45 years of work with display-based systems, this book addresses interface and screen design from the user's perspective. You will learn how to create an effective design methodology, design and organize screens and Web pages that encourage efficient comprehension and execution, and create screen icons and graphics that make displays easier and more comfortable to use....

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