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Oracle Data Warehousing

And Business Intelligence Solutions
Oracle Data Warehousing Image
Up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of the Oracle database and business intelligence toolsWritten by a team of Oracle insiders, this authoritative book provides you with the most current coverage of the Oracle data warehousing platform as well as the full suite of business intelligence tools.You'll learn how to leverage Oracle features and how those features can be used to provide solutions to a variety of needs and demands. Plus, you'll get valuable tips and insight based on the authors' real-world experiences and their own implementations. Avoid many common pitfalls while learning best practices for:Leveraging Oracle technologies to design, build, and manage data warehousesIntegrating specific database and business intelligence solutions from other ...

More Java Pitfalls

50 New Time-Saving Solutions and Workarounds
More Java Pitfalls Image
Building on the success of Java Pitfalls (0-471-36174-7), this book provides more specific programming solutions to fifty difficult Java programming problemsShows experienced programmers how to identify and avoid weaknesses in Java and related J2EE technologies that can cause programs to go haywireExplores advanced topics including networking, XML and Java programming, and the Java Virtual Machine...

Java Security Solutions

Java Security Solutions Image
* Provides practical solutions, not just principles of security.* Offers an in depth toolkit to the reader and explains how to use the tools to build a secure system.* Introduces concepts of security patterns for designing systems, as well as security building blocks for systems.* Discusses algorithms, cryptography and architecture.* Addresse security for different application servers....

Digital Video Distribution in Broadband, Television, Mobile and Converged Networks

Trends, Challenges and Solutions
Digital Video Distribution in Broadband, Television, Mobile and Converged Networks Image
A unique treatment of digital video distribution technology in a business context, Digital Video Distribution in Broadband, Television, Mobile and Converged Networks explores a range of diverse topics within the field through a combination of theory and practice to provide the best possible insight and exposure. The theoretical foundations inside assist a fuller understanding of the technologies used in practice, while real-world examples are correspondingly used to emphasize the applicability of theory in the commercial world.Fully illustrated throughout to help explain the fundamental concepts of digital media distribution, Digital Video Distribution in Broadband, Television, Mobile and Converged Networks is divided into three major parts starting ...

Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Insider Solutions
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Image
Rather than being a traditional planning, design, and implementation guide, this book is a serious resource for Windows experts to find tips, tricks, and best practices for implementing and supporting key Windows Server 2003 technologies. The authors started working with Windows Server 2003 (then codename Whistler) just days after the code for Windows 2000 was locked, when most organizations were getting a first chance to see the Windows 2000 server product. With more than three years of experience working with Whistler in early beta and production implementations, the authors of this book have provided a resource to help you make Windows 2003 technologies work properly. When given a choice of different ways of implementing the technologies, you can ...

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