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Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications Using Matlab

Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications Using Matlab Image
The Algorithms such as SVD, Eigen decomposition, Gaussian Mixture Model, HMM etc. are presently scattered in different fields. There remains a need to collect all such algorithms for quick reference. Also there is the need to view such algorithms in application point of view. This book attempts to satisfy the above requirement. The algorithms are made clear using MATLAB programs....

Computational Colour Science

Computational Colour Science Image
Presenting apractical, problem-based approach to colour physics, this titledescribes the key issues encountered in modern colour engineering, including efficient representation of colour information, fourier analysis of reflectance spectra and advanced colorimetric computation. Emphasis is placed on the practical applications rather than the techniques themselves, with material structured around key topics, such as colour calibration of visual displays, computer recipe prediction and models for colour-appearance prediction.Each topic is carefully introduced at three levels to enhance student understanding. Firstly, theoretical ideas and background information are discussed, explanations of mathematical solutions then follow and finally practical solu...

Real-time Web Application Development using Vert.x 2.0

Real-time Web Application Development using Vert.x 2.0 Image
An intuitive guide to building applications for the real-time web with the Vert.x platform Overview Get started with developing applications for the real-time web From concept to deployment, learn the full development workflow of a real-time web application Utilize the Java skills you already have while stepping up to the next level Learn all the major building blocks of the Vert.x platform Follow a hands-on tutorial with a running example In Detail Vert.x is a platform for building highly networked and scalable applications on the Java Virtual Machine. Using just a few powerful building blocks, it provides a powerful framework that scales to a multitude of different usage scenarios. It is one of the few truly polyglot development platforms, provi...

Building Mobile Applications Using Kendo UI Mobile and ASP.NET Web API

Building Mobile Applications Using Kendo UI Mobile and ASP.NET Web API Image
Get started with Kendo UI Mobile and learn how to integrate it with HTTP-based services built using ASP.NET Web API Overview Learn the basics of developing mobile applications using HTML5 and create an end-to-end mobile application from scratch Discover all about Kendo UI Mobile, ASP .NET Web API, and how to integrate them Understand how to organize your JavaScript code to achieve extensibility and maintainability Get your hands dirty in a jiffy with 50+ jsFiddle examples In Detail With the world becoming more mobile, there is a growing need for mobile websites and applications. Building these from scratch is not a simple process. Kendo UI Mobile makes building websites and applications easier than ever before. Build applications for phones and t...

Pro Single Page Application Development

Using Backbone.js and ASP.NET
Pro Single Page Application Development Image
One of the most important and exciting trends in web development in recent years is the move towards single page applications, or SPAs. Instead of clicking through hyperlinks and waiting for each page to load, the user loads a site once and all the interactivity is handled fluidlyby a rich JavaScript front end. If you come from a background in ASP.NET development, you'll be used to handling most interactions on the server side. Pro Single Page Application Development will guide you through your transition to this powerful new application type.The book starts in Part I by laying the groundwork forSPA development. You'll master some JavaScript techniques that will come in useful later on, and get to know the building blocks of a single page application...

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