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Numerical Analysis

Using MATLAB and Excel
Numerical Analysis Image
3rd Edition
This text includes the following chapters and appendices: Introduction to MATLAB, Root approximations, Sinusoids and complex numbers, Matrices and determinants, Review of differential equations, Fourier, Taylor, and Maclaurin series, Finite differences and interpolation, Linear and parabolic regression, Solution of differential equations by numerical methods, Integration by numerical methods, Difference equations, Partial fraction expansion, The Gamma and Beta Functions and distributions, Orthogonal functions and matrix factorizations, Bessel, Legendre, and Chebyshev polynomials, Optimization methods, Difference Equations in Discrete-Time systems, Intr...

Elements of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Using LISP
Elements of Artificial Intelligence Image
Today there is a growing recognition of computer science as a laboratory science. In addition to the mathematical theory that supports techniques in subareas such as artificial intelligence, the student needs wor work with actual programs and problems to get a feel for the technology. This book grew out of the perception that hands-on experimentation coordinated with textbook explanations of principles and of actual programs can provide and ideal learning combination for students of a artificial intelligence. The purpose of this book is to provide an up-to-date and didactically coherent introduction to the principles and programming methods of artificial inteliggence. It is appropriate for and undergraduate or first-year graduate course. While it is...

The Finite Element Method

The Finite Element Method Image
The finite element method (FEM) has become one of the most important and useful tools for scientists and engineers. This new book features the use of MATLAB to present introductory and advanced finite element theories and formulations. MATLAB is especially convenient to write and understand finite element analysis programs because a MATLAB program manipulates matrices and vectors with ease. The book is suitable for introductory and advanced courses in the Finite Element Method, as well as a reference for practicing engineers....

Go Figure

Using Math to Answer Everyday Imponderables
Go Figure Image
This engaging collection of math-related anecdotes, puzzles, and formulas will intrigue people who enjoy figuring things out, solving puzzles, or predicting the future. Includes appendixes of basic math concepts for those who are a little rusty on their math....

Using CiviCRM

Using CiviCRM Image
This book is a step-by-step tutorial with practical examples, introduced by a planning framework and illustrations of good relationship management techniques for a variety of situations. We begin with basics such as installation, low-level implementation, and CiviCRM's core modules before covering CiviCRM's advanced features and issues such as customization of CiviCRM and integrating it with Joomla! and Drupal. You should be able to quickly grasp and implement the basic elements of CiviCRM before moving on to the more advanced features and tools. This book is for project implementers, organization leaders, staff, and volunteers in advocacy, non-profit, and non-governmental organizations, elected officials, professional/trade associations, political c...

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