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Google on the Go

Using an Android-Powered Mobile Phone
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Google on the Go THE EASY, FUN, PRACTICAL GUIDE TO GOOGLE ANDROID PHONES! So you've got one of those hot new Android-powered phones? Awesome! Now, get the most out of it with Google on the Go! This friendly, easy book shows exactly how to use your phone to make your life more productive, more efficient, and more fun! Making calls? Playing MP3s? Sending Gmail? Taking pictures? It's all covered here-one step at a time, in plain English. There's no faster way to master the great Google tools built into your new phone: calendar, messaging, web browsing, chat, Google Maps, YouTube, you name it! Want to customize your phone? Here's how. Need to troubleshoot a problem? No sweat: you'll find easy, step-by-step directions. Whether you're using the T-Mobil...

Build Your Own Web Site The Right Way

Using HTML & CSS
Build Your Own Web Site The Right Way Image
2nd Edition
Build Your Own Website The Right Way Using HTML CSS, 2nd Edition teaches web development from scratch, without assuming any previous knowledge of HTML, CSS or web development techniques. This book introduces you to HTML and CSS as you follow along with the author, step-by-step, to build a fully functional web site from the ground up. However, unlike countless other "learn web design" books, this title concentrates on modern, best-practice techniques from the very beginning, which means you'll get it right the first time. The web sites you'll build will:Look good on a PC, Mac or Linux computer Render correctly whether your visitors are using ...

HTML Utopia

Designing Without Tables Using CSS
HTML Utopia Image
2nd Edition
HTML Utopia: Designing Without Tables Using CSS, 2nd Edition is for web developers looking to create websites using Cascading Style Sheets for layout, which allow for faster page downloads, easier maintenance, faster website redesigns, and better search engine optimization. HTML Utopia covers all aspects of using Cascading Style Sheets in Web Development, and is a must-read for Web Developers designing new sites or upgrading existing ones to use CSS layouts. This book includes one of the most comprehensive CSS2 references on the market. Jeffrey Zeldman, web design guru and co-founder of the Web Standards Project, says "After reading this book, you...

Developing Java Web Services

Architecting and Developing Secure Web Services Using Java
Developing Java Web Services Image
One of the first books to cover Sun Microsystem's new Java Web Services Developer PackWritten by top Sun consultants with hands-on experience in creating Web services, with a foreword from Simon Phipps, Chief Evangelist at SunCase studies demonstrate how to create Web services with the tools most used by Java developers, including BEA WebLogic, Apache Axis, Systinet WASP, and Verisign...

CMS Design Using PHP and jQuery

CMS Design Using PHP and jQuery Image
This is a practical, tutorial-style book that develops a project from start to finish, explaining all aspects of the project. Every chapter starts by explaining what is to be accomplished and the various ways in which the problem may be tackled, followed by an in-depth explanation of the chosen solution. If you want to see jQuery in action with PHP and MySQL code, in the context of a real application, this is the book for you. It is written for developers who have written multiple scripts or websites, and want to know how to combine them all into one package that can be used to simplify future scripts and sites. The book is aimed at people who understand the basics of PHP and jQuery, and want to know how they can be used effectively to create a large...

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