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Using Samba

Using Samba Image
2nd Edition
This book, which has been officially adopted by the Samba Team and is under the GNU Free Documentation License (FDL), is a comprehensive guide to Samba administration. The 2nd edition focuses on Samba 2.2 and covers the most important features of 3.0, which was under development as this book went to print.Samba is a cross-platform triumph: it turns a Unix or Linux system into a file and print server for Microsoft Windows network clients. Samba is so robust, flexible, fast, and secure that many people are choosing it over Windows NT/2000/XP for their file and print services. Samba is also free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License.This...

Using Drupal

Using Drupal Image
With the recipes in this book, you can take full advantage of the vast collection of community-contributed modules that make the Drupal web framework useful and unique. You'll get the information you need about how to combine modules in interesting ways (with a minimum of code-wrangling) to develop a variety of community-driven websites. Each chapter describes a case study and outlines specific requirements for one of several projects included in the book -- a wiki, publishing workflow site, photo gallery, product review site, online store, user group site, and more. With Using Drupal, you will:Get an overview of Drupal concepts and key modules introduced in each chapter, with a bird's-eye view of each module's specialty and how it works Explore vari...

Using Drupal

Using Drupal Image
2nd Edition
Take advantage of Drupal's vast collection of community-contributed modules and discover how they make this web framework unique and valuable. With this guide, you'll learn how to combine modules in interesting ways (with minimal code-wrangling) to develop several community-driven websites including a job posting board, photo gallery, online store, product review database, and event calendar.The second edition focuses on Drupal 7, the latest version of this open source system. Each project spans an entire chapter, with step-by-step "recipes" to help you build out the precise functionality the site requires. With this book, developers new to D...

Managing and Using MySQL

Managing and Using MySQL Image
2nd Edition
MySQL is a popular and robust open source database product that supports key subsets of SQL on both Linux and Unix systems. MySQL is free for nonprofit use and costs a small amount for commercial use. Unlike commercial databases, MySQL is affordable and easy to use. This book includes introductions to SQL and to relational database theory. If you plan to use MySQL to build web sites or other Linux or Unix applications, this book teaches you to do that, and it will remain useful as a reference once you understand the basics. Ample tutorial material and examples are included throughout. This book has all you need to take full advantage of this powerful d...

SD Card Projects Using the PIC Microcontroller

SD Card Projects Using the PIC Microcontroller Image
PIC Microcontrollers are a favorite in industry and with hobbyists. These microcontrollers are versatile, simple, and low cost making them perfect for many different applications. The 8-bit PIC is widely used in consumer electronic goods, office automation, and personal projects. Author, Dogan Ibrahim, author of several PIC books has now written a book using the PIC18 family of microcontrollers to create projects with SD cards. This book is ideal for those practicing engineers, advanced students, and PIC enthusiasts that want to incorporate SD Cards into their devices. SD cards are cheap, fast, and small, used in many MP3 players, digital and video cameras, and perfect for microcontroller applications. Complete with Microchip's C18 student compiler a...

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