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Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh

Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh Image
7th Edition
De-mystifies statistics via the popular SPSS software The development of easy-to-use statistical software like SPSS has changed the way statistics is being taught and learned. Even with these advancements, however, students sometimes still find statistics a tough nut to crack. Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh, 7/e, guides students through basic SPSS techniques using step-by-step descriptions and explaining in detail how to avoid common pitfalls in the study of statistics. This title is available in a variety of formats digital and print. Pearson offers its titles on the devices students love through CourseSmart, Amazon, and more...

Open Source Development with LAMP

Using Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl and PHP
Open Source Development with LAMP Image
Open source technologies are providing developers with a range of more cost-effective, robust alternatives to commercial software for building dynamic, data-driven, secure Web applications. This practical guide presents a broad survey of LAMP technologies, and shows how these solutions can be implemented efficiently and securely while improving reliability and dramatically cutting costs. The book focuses on the most important core material necessary for the developer to hit the ground running and begin building applications right away, and shows the reader where to go to find comprehensive information on all the topics covered. The book introduces the pillars of open source development, and reviews the current techniques and standards for each. It sh...

Game Character Design Complete

Using 3ds Max 8 and Adobe Photoshop CS2
Game Character Design Complete Image
A game is only as intriguing as the characters that inhabit its world. Game Character Design Complete demonstrates each step of modeling, texturing, animating, and exporting compelling characters for your games. You?ll learn how to model in 3ds Max from sketch references, texture in Adobe Photoshop, rig bones, and animate a character back in 3ds Max. Game Character Design Complete covers all aspects of character creation-from the technical to the artistic. Don?t worry if your artistic ability isn?t awe-inspiring. You?ll cover every aspect of the design process in easy-to-follow steps, including texturing and animating your character. If you have a working knowledge of 2D and 3D graphics, then you have all of the skills you need to begin creating cool...

Using Linux System Administration

Special Edition
Using Linux System Administration Image
Special Edition Using Linux Administration is the complete, comprehensive reference book for the experienced administrator who needs to learn to run a Linux system and successfully manage it. This book has a great appeal to those administrators whose knowledge is limited to Windows or NetWare networks as they integrate Linux into their infrastructure. Current Linux or Unix users wishing to apply their knowledge towards system administration will also find it invaluable. Useful topics include: Linux deployment and installation, user administration, Samba and NT-Linux integration, Linux process management and daemons, Network configuration and TCP/IP, routing with Linux, Linux and firewalls, using Linux as an Intranet server, and Linux database servers...

Using Linux

Special Edition
Using Linux Image
5th Edition
Special Edition Using Linux, Fifth Edition, is the complete, comprehensive reference that allows you to get optimum use and productivity from your Linux operating system. This book features three of the top Linux distributions--Caldera, Red Hat, and Debian--but also teaches Linux independent of its included distributions. Features that you can look forward to learning about in this edition include installing and configuring each of the three included distributions, troubleshooting, installing and configuring various Internet and email services, managing user accounts, files, and directories, and new coverage of Linux/Windows interoperability....

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