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Killer UX Design

Killer UX Design Image
Today, technology is used to shift, sway and change attitudes and behavior. This creates amazing opportunities and challenges for designers. If we want to create products and services that have the power to educate people so they may live better lives, or help to reduce the time people take to do certain tasks, we first need an understanding of how these people think and work - what makes them "tick" The premise of this book is the need to understand how people "behave"; their habits, motivators and drivers, as a critical way to better understand what a great customer experience for your audience looks like, facilitating better design decisions. The book will lead you from understanding behavior, to extracting customer insights t...

Jump Start Node.js

Jump Start Node.js Image
Node.js is changing the way web apps are built. As Node.js apps are written in JavaScript, you can quickly and simply use your front-end skills to develop staggeringly fast, scalable real-time web applications. Read this book and, in a weekend, you'll learn how to: Develop a complete working Node.js application - from start-to-finish Deploy your new application to a production server Scale your projects quickly and cheaply PLUS discover how to use Twitter Bootstrap, MongoDB and Back-bone.js to create fancy web apps, extend their storage, and dy-namically update them....

Jump Start Sinatra

Jump Start Sinatra Image
This short SitePoint book provides readers with a fun and yet practical introduction to Sinatra, a framework that makes web development with Ruby extremely simple. It's not intended to be a completely comprehensive guide to the framework or an in-depth Ruby tutorial, but will quickly get you up to speed with Sinatra and give you the confidence to start experimenting on your own. The book is built around a real-life example project: a content management system. It's a fun and easily understandable project that is used to demonstrate the concepts outlined in the book in a practical way. This is a clear, approachable and very easy-to-follow book that will get you to to speed with Sinatra in no time....

Photoshop CS6 Unlocked

101 Tips, Tricks and Techniques
Photoshop CS6 Unlocked Image
Photoshop CS6 Unlocked is a full-color question-and-answer book for web designers who want to use Photoshop to create better looking websites. Completely updated for Photoshop CS6, this comprehensive book covers: Photoshop interface tricks shortcuts Basic Skills: Transparencies, rounded corners, blending images, matching colors and more Buttons: Creating buttons and tabs in various shapes and form factors Backgrounds: Making various gradient and textured backgrounds Creating text effects, texturing and shadowing text, wrapping text around a curve, and more Adjusting Images: Removing blue tints, darkening and lightening images, fixing red-eye, removing dark shadows, sharpening images, and more Manipulating Images: Creating fish-eye effects, removing...

Jump Start CoffeeScript

Jump Start CoffeeScript Image
A practical and concise introduction to CoffeeScript, a programming language that compiles into JavaScript and that makes working with JavaScript easier. The book lays out the basics of the language, its syntax, and the interesting features that set it apart from JavaScript. It should satisfy anyone with an intermediate level of understanding of JavaScript who needs a conceptual and practical introduction to CoffeeScript. The book is based around a practical project, leading you through the building of a simple HTML-based 2D game, and explaining the language's philosophy, syntax, and features step-by-step along the way. You'll be able to see results on-screen from the very beginning, starting with a simple JavaScript drawing function transformed into...

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