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Intelligent Automation and Systems Engineering

Intelligent Automation and Systems Engineering Image
Intelligent systems are required to facilitate the use of information provided by the internet and other computer based technologies. This book describes the state-of-the-art in Intelligent Automation and Systems Engineering. Topics covered include Intelligent decision making, Automation, Robotics, Expert systems, Fuzzy systems, Knowledge-based systems, Knowledge extraction, Large database management, Data analysis tools, Computational biology, Optimization algorithms, Experimental designs, Complex system identification, Computational modeling, Systems simulation, Decision modeling, and industrial applications....

Information Technology Convergence

Security, Robotics, Automations and Communication
Information Technology Convergence Image
Information technology and its convergence issue is emerging rapidly as an exciting new paradigm with user-centric environment to provide computing and communication services. This area will be the most comprehensive topics with various aspects of advances in information technology and its convergence services. This book covers all topics as computational science and applications, electronics engineering, manufacturing technology, services, technical skill to control the robot, automatic operation and application, simulation and testing communication and many more....

Optimal Design of Distributed Control and Embedded Systems

Optimal Design of Distributed Control and Embedded Systems Image
Optimal Design of Distributed Control and Embedded Systems focuses on the design of special control and scheduling algorithms based on system structural properties as well as on analysis of the influence of induced time-delay on systems performances. It treats the optimal design of distributed and embedded control systems (DCESs) with respect to communication and calculation-resource constraints, quantization aspects, and potential time-delays induced by the associated communication and calculation model.Particular emphasis is put on optimal control signal scheduling based on the system state. In order to render this complex optimization problem feasible in real time, a time decomposition is based on periodicity induced by the static scheduling is op...

Advances in Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Second International Conference
Advances in Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Image
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, PEIE 2011, held at Nagpur, India, in April 2011. The 9 revised full papers presented together with 4 short papers and 7 poster papers were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers address current issues in the field of power electronics, communication engineering, instrumentation engineering, digital electronics, electrical power engineering, electrical machines, information technology, control systems, and the like....

Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics

Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Image
This book offers a venue for rapidly learning the language of C++ by concisely revealing its grammar, syntax and main features, and by explaining the key ideas behind object oriented programming (OOP) with emphasis on scientific computing. The book reviews elemental concepts of computers and computing, describes the primary features of C++, illustrates the use of pointers and user-defined functions, analyzes the construction of classes, and discusses graphics programming based on VOGLE and OpenGL. In short, the book is a basic, concise introduction to C++ programming for everyone from students to scientists and engineers seeking a quick grasp of key topics....

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