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Advanced Web Services

Advanced Web Services Image
Web services and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) have become thriving areas of academic research, joint university/industry research projects, and novel IT products on the market. SOC is the computing paradigm that uses Web services as building blocks for the engineering of composite, distributed applications out of the reusable application logic encapsulated by Web services. Web services could be considered the best-known and most standardized technology in use today for distributed computing over the Internet. This book is the second installment of a two-book collection covering the state-of-the-art of both theoretical and practical aspects of Web services and SOC research and deployments. Advanced Web Services specifically focuses on advanced top...

High Performance Cloud Auditing and Applications

High Performance Cloud Auditing and Applications Image
This book mainly focuses on cloud security and high performance computing for cloud auditing. The book discusses emerging challenges and techniques developed for high performance semantic cloud auditing, and presents the state of the art in cloud auditing, computing and security techniques with focus on technical aspects and feasibility of auditing issues in federated cloud computing environments. In summer 2011, the United States Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) CyberBAT Cloud Security and Auditing Team initiated the exploration of the cloud security challenges and future cloud auditing research directions that are covered in this book. This work was supported by the United States government funds from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research...

Nanostructuring Operations in Nanoscale Science and Engineering

Nanostructuring Operations in Nanoscale Science and Engineering Image
State-of-the-art nanostructuring principles, methods, and aplicationsSynthesize, characterize, and deploy highly miniaturized components using the theories and techniques contained in this comprehensive resource. Written by a nanotechnology expert, this authoritative volume covers the latest advances along with detailed schematics and real-world applications in engineering and the life sciences. Inside, 37 different nanostructuring methods and 16 different kinds of nanostructures are discussed.Nanostructuring Operations in Nanoscale Science and Engineering explains how to manufacture high-purity fullerenes, assemble carbon nanotubes, and use nanofluids and nanowires. You will also learn how to develop high-performance biochips, work with biomimetics,...

Provable Security

Provable Security Image
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Provable Security, ProvSec 2008, held in Shanghai, China, October 30 - November 1, 2008. The 25 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 79 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on Encryption, Signature, Analysis, Application of Hash Functions, Universal Composability, and Applications....

Optimization Methods in Electromagnetic Radiation

Optimization Methods in Electromagnetic Radiation Image
This book considers problems of optimization arising in the design of electromagnetic radiators and receivers, presenting a systematic general theory applicable to a wide class of structures. The theory is illustrated with examples, and indications of how the results can be applied to more complicated structures. The final chapter introduces techniques from multicriteria optimization in antenna design. References to mathematics and engineering literature guide readers through the necessary mathematical background....

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