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Algorithms and Parallel Computing

Algorithms and Parallel Computing Image
There is a software gap between the hardware potential and the performance that can be attained using today's software parallel program development tools. The tools need manual intervention by the programmer to parallelize the code. Programming a parallel computer requires closely studying the target algorithm or application, more so than in the traditional sequential programming we have all learned. The programmer must be aware of the communication and data dependencies of the algorithm or application. This book provides the techniques to explore the possible ways to program a parallel computer for a given application....

Image Processing

Principles and Applications
Image Processing Image
Image processing-from basics to advanced applicationsLearn how to master image processing and compression with this outstanding state-of-the-art reference. From fundamentals to sophisticated applications, Image Processing: Principles and Applications covers multiple topics and provides a fresh perspective on future directions and innovations in the field, including:* Image transformation techniques, including wavelet transformation and developments* Image enhancement and restoration, including noise modeling and filtering* Segmentation schemes, and classification and recognition of objects* Texture and shape analysis techniques* Fuzzy set theoretical approaches in image processing, neural networks, etc.* Content-based image retrieval and image mining...

Financial Modelling in Python

Financial Modelling in Python Image
"Fletcher and Gardner have created a comprehensive resource that will be of interest not only to those working in the field of finance, but also to those using numerical methods in other fields such as engineering, physics, and actuarial mathematics. By showing how to combine the high-level elegance, accessibility, and flexibility of Python, with the low-level computational efficiency of C++, in the context of interesting financial modeling problems, they have provided an implementation template which will be useful to others seeking to jointly optimize the use of computational and human resources. They document all the necessary technical details required in order to make external numerical libraries available from within Python, and they contr...

Fundamentals of Telecommunications

Fundamentals of Telecommunications Image
2nd Edition
The Second Edition of this critically-acclaimed text continues the standard of excellence set in the first edition by providing a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of telecommunication networks without bogging you down in complex technical jargon or math. Although focusing on the basics, the book has been thoroughly updated with the latest advances in the field, including a new chapter on metropolitan area networks (MANs) and new sections on Mobile Fi, ZigBee and ultrawideband. You'll learn which choices are now available to an organization, how to evaluate them and how to develop strategies that achieve the best balance among cost, security an...

Computer Science Illuminated

Computer Science Illuminated Image
This book is designed as a breadth-first introduction to the field of computer science, providing a comprehensive and rigorous exploration of a variety of topics. It provides a general understanding of computers in all their aspects, and it lays a solid foundation to support further study. Therefore, this book is appropriate both for computer science majors beginning their studies and for non-majors seeking a broad but complete overview....

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