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iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C

Portable Genius
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Save yourself time, hassle, and confusion with this essential guide to the iPhone!The popularity of the iPhone continues to grow every day and shows no sign of slowing down. Now that you've got the latest and greatest iPhone, it's time you discovered all the best and most fun ways to use it! This handy guide presents you with all the important and interesting information you want to know, in a hip, helpful way. Packed with tips, tricks, and techniques, this new edition covers all the practical angles as well as the newest and coolest features, such as iOS 7, Siri, FaceTime video calling, HD video recording, multitasking, and much more.Reveals numerous tips, tricks, and techniques in a handy trim size to help you get the most out of your iPhone 5s or ...

Mobile Development Fundamentals

MTA Exam 98-373
Mobile Development Fundamentals Image
The Microsoft Technology Associatecertification certification (MTA) curriculum helps instructors teach and validate fundamental technology concepts with a foundation for students' careers as well as the confidence they need to succeed in advanced studies. Through the use of MOAC MTA titles you can help ensure your students future success in and out of the classroom. This MTA Mobile Development text covers the following vital fundamental skills: Work with Physical Devices Use Data with Mobile Devices Use a Mobile Application Development Environment Develop Mobile ApplicationsClick here to learn more about the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA), a new and innovative certification track designed to provide a pathway for future success in technology ...

Adobe InDesign CS6

Digital Classroom
Adobe InDesign CS6 Image
Expert book-and-video package helps you conquer Adobe InDesign CS6Whether you want to create sophisticated page layouts for print or electronic books or produce dazzling brochures and other publications, chances are Adobe InDesign is the design and page layout tool you'll call upon. Now you can enhance your creativity and discover all the ways to use Adobe InDesign with this book-and-DVD training package. Thirteen self-paced lessons teach you how to design, produce, and develop streamlined workflows for page layout. Each lesson is accompanied by a video tutorial that clearly demonstrates techniques and further explains concepts.A complete Adobe InDesign book-and-video training package from the expert instructors at the AGI Creative Team Thirteen self...

Adobe Illustrator CS6

Digital Classroom
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Image
A highly accessible, step-by-step guide to Adobe Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS6 Digital Classroom includes 12 self-paced lessons that contain essential skills and explore new features and capabilities of Adobe Illustrator. Every lesson is presented in full color with step-by-step instructions. Learning is reinforced with video tutorials and lesson files on a companion DVD that was developed by a team of expert instructors and Illustrator experts. Each video tutorial demonstrates and explains the concepts and features covered in the lesson. This training package shows how to create and produce vibrant graphics using this robust vector drawing application.Offers a complete training package combining a full-color, step-by-step instructional book with l...

Adobe After Effects CS6

Digital Classroom
Adobe After Effects CS6 Image
Edit and apply effects for stellar visual and special effectsThis important resource is like having a personal instructor guiding you through each lesson, while you work at your own pace. It includes 10 self-paced lessons that let you discover essential skills and explore the new features and capabilities of Adobe After Effects. Every lesson is presented in full color with step-by-step instructions. Video tutorials and lesson files on a companion DVD were developed by the same team of professional instructors and After Effects experts who have created many of the official training titles for Adobe Systems.Combines a full-color, step-by-step instructional book along with lesson files and video training from expert instructors Written for After Effects...

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