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Raspberry Pi Projects

Raspberry Pi Projects Image
Learn to build software and hardware projects featuring the Raspberry Pi!Raspberry Pi represents a new generation of computers that encourages the user to play and to learn and this unique book is aimed at the beginner Raspberry Pi user who is eager to get started creating real-world projects. Taking you on a journey of creating 16 practical projects, this fun and informative resource introduces you to the skills you need to have in order to make the most of the Pi. The book begins with a quick look at how to get the Pi up and running and then encourages you to dive into the array of exciting software and hardware projects.Features projects that use Python, which is Raspberry Pi's programming language of choiceIncludes projects for creating an inform...

Architecting the Cloud

Design Decisions for Cloud Computing Service Models SaaS, PaaS and IaaS
Architecting the Cloud Image
An expert guide to selecting the right cloud service model for your businessCloud computing is all the rage, allowing for the delivery of computing and storage capacity to a diverse community of end-recipients. However, before you can decide on a cloud model, you need to determine what the ideal cloud service model is for your business. Helping you cut through all the haze, Architecting the Cloud is vendor neutral and guides you in making one of the most critical technology decisions that you will face: selecting the right cloud service model(s) based on a combination of both business and technology requirements.Guides corporations through key cloud design considerationsDiscusses the pros and cons of each cloud service modelHighlights major design co...

HTML, CSS and JavaScript Mobile Development

For Dummies
HTML, CSS and JavaScript Mobile Development Image
Learn to build and optimize attractive, functional web sites for smartphonesToday, mobile devices outnumber desktop and laptop computers three to one. Skill in developing web sites that work on mobile devices is in demand, and this friendly, step-by-step guide shows how to build and optimize sites using HTML5 and other standard web development tools. Building web sites that work for all types of smartphones and tablets, including iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and BlackBerry devices is a skill much in demand as mobile devices outpace both desktop and laptop computers, and this book gets you started.Guides you through creating and optimizing mobile sites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptCovers HTML5, WebKit extensions, platform variations, accommodatin...

Circularly Polarized Antennas

Circularly Polarized Antennas Image
This book presents a comprehensive insight into the design techniques for different types of CP antenna elements and arraysIn this book, the authors address a broad range of topics on circularly polarized (CP) antennas. Firstly, it introduces to the reader basic principles, design techniques and characteristics of various types of CP antennas, such as CP patch antennas, CP helix antennas, quadrifilar helix antennas (QHA), printed quadrifilar helix antennas (PQHA), spiral antenna, CP slot antennas, CP dielectric resonator antennas, loop antennas, crossed dipoles, monopoles and CP horns. Advanced designs such as small-size CP antennas, broadband, wideband and ultra-wideband CP antennas are also discussed, as well as multi-band CP antennas and dual CP a...

CSS3 For Dummies

CSS3 For Dummies Image
Get the most out of the new features in CSS3Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3) boasts many new features that designers love. Things like better mobility, cleaner code, less maintenance, and basic interactivity without JavaScript are just a few. Get thoroughly up to speed on CSS3 with CSS3 For Dummies. Whether you're a web developer or designer with a lot or very little experience in HTML and CSS, or just want assistance applying it to multiple browser and mobile apps, this book delivers. Explore in depth how CSS3 effects and transforms work and how to use them for animation and interactivity. Explains CSS3 in detail for web developers and designers who may or may not know HTML, CSS, or tools like DreamweaverInstructs how to define and apply CSS3 effects a...

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