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Beginning XML

Beginning XML Image
5th Edition
A complete update covering the many advances to the XML languageThe XML language has become the standard for writing documents on the Internet and is constantly improving and evolving. This new edition covers all the many new XML-based technologies that have appeared since the previous edition four years ago, providing you with an up-to-date introductory guide and reference. Packed with real-world code examples, best practices, and in-depth coverage of the most important and relevant topics, this authoritative resource explores both the advantages and disadvantages of XML and addresses the most current standards and uses of XML. Features the most updat...

Professional Microsoft IIS 8

Professional Microsoft IIS 8 Image
Stellar author team of Microsoft MVPs helps developers and administrators get the most out of Windows IIS 8If you're a developer or administrator, you'll want to get thoroughly up to speed on Microsoft's new IIS 8 platform with this complete, in-depth reference. Prepare yourself to administer IIS 8 in not only commercial websites and corporate intranets, but also the mass web hosting market with this expert content. The book covers common administrative tasks associated with monitoring and managing an IIS environment--and then moves well beyond, into extensibility, scripted admin, and other complex topics.The book highlights automated options outside the GUI, options that include the PowerShell provider and AppCmd tool. It explores extensibility opti...

Professional Website Performance

Optimizing the Front-End and Back-End
Professional Website Performance Image
Achieve optimal website speed and performance with this Wrox guideEffective website development requires optimum performance with regard to both web browser and server. This book covers all aspects of building and maintaining websites that deliver peak performance on all levels. Exploring both front-end and back-end configuration, it examines factors like compression and JavaScript, database performance, MySQL tuning, NoSQL alternatives, load-balancing across multiple servers, effective caching of web contents, CSS, and much more. Both developers and system administrators will find value in this platform-neutral guide.Covers essential information for creating and maintaining websites that deliver peak performance on both front end and back endExplain...

Professional Visual Basic 2012 and .NET 4.5 Programming

Professional Visual Basic 2012 and .NET 4.5 Programming Image
Explore Visual Basic 2012 and .NET 4.5 with this fully updated resourceAfter a quick review of the of introductory topics of Visual Basic 2012 and .NET 4.5, this book moves quickly into advanced topics such as data access with ADO.NET, security, ASP.NET web programming with Visual Basic, Windows workflow, and threading. You'll explore the essential Visual Basic 2012 functions you need, including .NET features such as LINQ, WCF, and more. Plus, you'll examine exception handling and debugging, Visual Studio features, and deployment.Puts the new Async keyword and Iterators to work Explores new options and interfaces presented by Windows 8 development and WinRT Continues strong coverage of core language elements and tools and creating componentized appli...

Professional Microsoft Search

FAST Search, SharePoint Search, and Search Server
Professional Microsoft Search Image
Use Microsoft's latest search-based technology-FAST search-to plan, customize, and deploy your search solutionFAST is Microsoft's latest intelligent search-based technology that boasts robustness and an ability to integrate business intelligence with Search. This in-depth guide provides you with advanced coverage on FAST search and shows you how to use it to plan, customize, and deploy your search solution, with an emphasis on SharePoint 2010 and Internet-based search solutions.With a particular appeal for anyone responsible for implementing and managing enterprise search, this book presents the key features and functions that are available with FAST search. Real-world examples show you how the technology works and the author team of experts demonstr...

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