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Beginning Perl

Beginning Perl Image
Everything beginners need to start programming with PerlPerl is the ever-popular, flexible, open source programming language that has been called the programmers' Swiss army knife. This book introduces Perl to both new programmers and experienced ones who are looking to learn a new language. In the tradition of the popular Wrox Beginning guides, it presents step-by-step guidance in getting started, a host of try-it-out exercises, real-world examples, and everything necessary for a Perl novice to start programming with confidence.Introduces Perl to both new programmers and experienced ones who want to learn a new language Provides a host of real-world applications for today's environments so readers can get started immediately Covers the new features ...

Professional Visual Studio 2013

Professional Visual Studio 2013 Image
Comprehensive guide to Visual Studio 2013Visual Studio is your essential tool for Windows programming. Visual Studio 2013 features important updates to the user interface and to productivity. In Professional Visual Studio 2013, author, Microsoft Certified Trainer, and Microsoft Visual C# MVP Bruce Johnson brings three decades of industry experience to guide you through the update, and he doesn't just gloss over the basics. With his unique IDE-centric approach, he steers into the nooks and crannies to help you use Visual Studio 2013 to its maximum potential.Choose from more theme options, check out the new icons, and make your settings portableStep up your workflow with hover colors, auto brace completion, peek, and CodeLensCode ASP.NET faster than ev...

Shell Scripting

Expert Recipes for Linux, Bash and more
Shell Scripting Image
A compendium of shell scripting recipes that can immediately be used, adjusted, and appliedThe shell is the primary way of communicating with the Unix and Linux systems, providing a direct way to program by automating simple-to-intermediate tasks. With this book, Linux expert Steve Parker shares a collection of shell scripting recipes that can be used as is or easily modified for a variety of environments or situations. The book covers shell programming, with a focus on Linux and the Bash shell; it provides credible, real-world relevance, as well as providing the flexible tools to get started immediately.Shares a collection of helpful shell scripting recipes that can immediately be used for various of real-world challenges Features recipes for system...

Professional Visual Basic 2008

Professional Visual Basic 2008 Image
The 2008 version of Visual Basic is tremendously enhanced and introduces dramatic new concepts, techniques, and features to this popular object-oriented language. Written by an elite author team, this comprehensive resource provides a clear and concise approach to using VB 2008 in the ever-expanding .NET world. This book focuses on using the latest and most powerful tools from the Microsoft arsenal within your Visual Basic solutions. You?ll examine everything from the .NET Framework to the best practices for deploying .NET applications to database access and integrating with other technologies....

Professional Joomla

Professional Joomla Image
As a major force in the world of affordable, advanced web site deployment, Joomla! has become the most important noncommercial Content Management System (CMS) in the world. The number of Joomla! downloads and add-ons continues to grow at lightning pace, spurring the need for a resource that explores the diverse needs of professional Joomla! developers. This book fills that void by covering the two main areas of the Joomla! field--development and deployment--with a focus on the new Joomla! version 1.5 and all the features it provides.Seasoned author Dan Rahmel walks you through the process of creating all three types of Joomla! extensions (modules, components, and plug-ins), explains how best to use Ajax technology, and shows you how to adopt design p...

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