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Beginning Visual C++ 2008

Ivor Horton's
Beginning Visual C++ 2008 Image
Proudly presenting the latest edition of one of the all-time bestselling books on the C++ language, successful author Ivor Horton repeats the formula that has made each previous edition so popular by teaching you both the standard C++ language and C++/CLI as well as Visual C++ 2008. Thoroughly updated for the 2008 release, this book shows you how to build real-world applications using Visual C++ and guides you through the ins and outs of C++ development. With this book by your side, you are well on your way to becoming a successful C++ programmer....

Beginning Java

Ivor Horton's
Beginning Java Image
Find out why thousands have turned to Ivor Horton for learning JavaIvor Horton's approach is teaching Java is so effective and popular that he is one of the leading authors of introductory programming tutorials, with over 160,000 copies of his Java books sold. In this latest edition, whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer switching to Java, you'll learn how to build real-world Java applications using Java SE 7. The author thoroughly covers the basics as well as new features such as extensions and classes; extended coverage of the Swing Application Framework; and he does it all in his unique, highly accessible style that beginners love.Provides a thorough introduction to the latest version of the Java programming language, Java SE 7Int...


24-Hour Trainer
HTML5 Image
Comprehensive written and interactive instruction for learning HTML5HTML is the core technology for building websites. Today, with HTML5 opening the Internet to new levels of rich content and dynamic interactivity, developers are looking for information to learn and utilize HTML5. HTML5 24-Hour Trainer provides that information, giving new and aspiring web developers the knowledge they need to achieve early success when building websites.Covers the most basic aspects of a web page, including a brief introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Provides lessons that are backed up by?professionally created training videos and interactive content to fully illustrate the dynamic nature of HTML5 and the Internet, while also providing a full learning exper...

Beginning Windows 8

Application Development
Beginning Windows 8 Image
Learn to use exciting new development tools and create applications for Windows 8If you're a beginning developer, there's no better place to get up to speed on the Windows 8 SDK than this Wrox guide. A team of Microsoft experts provides a complete course in Windows 8 programming, helping you take full advantage of the innovative new SDK. Written in an easy-to-read style, this book is packed with reusable examples that showcase the endless possibilities of the Windows SDK and also introduces the new Windows 8 app store. It explains how to set up the development environment and covers user interface design, using special effects and graphics, working with C# and C++, and much more.Provides a complete introduction to the Windows SDK and Windows 8, start...

Professional C++

Professional C++ Image
Geared to experienced C++ developers who may not be familiar with the more advanced features of the language, and therefore are not using it to its full capabilitiesTeaches programmers how to think in C++-that is, how to design effective solutions that maximize the power of the languageThe authors drill down into this notoriously complex language, explaining poorly understood elements of the C++ feature set as well as common pitfalls to avoidContains several in-depth case studies with working code that's been tested on Windows, Linux, and Solaris platforms...

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