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Beginning JavaScript

Beginning JavaScript Image
3rd Edition
JavaScript is a scripting language that enables you to enhance static web applications by providing dynamic, personalized, and interactive content. This improves the experience of visitors to your site and makes it more likely that they will visit again. You must have seen the flashy drop-down menus, moving text, and changing content that are now widespread on web sites-they are enabled through JavaScript. Supported by all the major browsers, JavaScript is the language of choice on the Web. It can even be used outside web applications-to automate administrative tasks, for example.This book aims to teach you all you need to know to start experimenting w...

Dreamweaver MX

PHP Web Development
Dreamweaver MX Image
What is this book about?PHP is one of the most popular server-side scripting languages available. It's powerful and easy to learn. Combined with MySQL - a fast, cross-platform, and free open source database - it makes a very effective tool for developing database-driven websites.This book is all about developing PHP/MySQL websites with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, the premier visual website design tool. It will show you how to use Dreamweaver MX to rapidly develop database-driven PHP web applications with the minimum of fuss.Throughout the book, we use a real-world example application, a hotel room booking system, to demonstrate just how quick and easy it is to build dynamic PHP sites with Dreamweaver MX.What does this book cover?Here are just a few of...

Beginning Linux Programming

Beginning Linux Programming Image
4th Edition
Beginning Linux Programming, Fourth Edition continues its unique approach to teaching UNIX programming in a simple and structured way on the Linux platform. Through the use of detailed and realistic examples, students learn by doing, and are able to move from being a Linux beginner to creating custom applications in Linux. The book introduces fundamental concepts beginning with the basics of writing Unix programs in C, and including material on basic system calls, file I/O, interprocess communication (for getting programs to work together), and shell programming. Parallel to this, the book introduces the toolkits and libraries for working with user int...

Professional Linux Programming

Professional Linux Programming Image
As Linux increases its presence throughout the world as a target platform for professional application development, its growth as a powerful, flexible system offering many free development tools assures its place in the future. By giving you easy access to this comprehensive range of tools, supporting new and nascent technologies, at little or no cost, developing with Linux allows you to apply the solution that's right for you. In this follow-up to the best-selling Beginning Linux Programming, you will learn from the authors' real-world knowledge and experience of developing software for Linux; you'll be taken through the development of a sample 'DVD Store' application, with 'theme' chapters addressing different aspects of its implementation. Meanwh...

Professional C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5.1

Professional C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5.1 Image
Comprehensive, advanced coverage of C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5.1Whether you're a C# guru or transitioning from C/C++, staying up to date is critical to your success. Professional C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5.1 is your go-to guide for navigating the programming environment for the Windows platform. After a quick refresher of the C# basics, the team of expert authors dives in to C# 5.0 and updates for NET 4.5.1. Includes:Different behaviors for .NET 4.5.1 and the changes to Visual Studio 2013Changes to ASP.NET Core, Web Forms, MVC, and Web APIUpdated Windows 8 deployments and localization, event logs, and data flowShuffling of ADO.NET Entity FrameworkAdditions to Windows Workflow FoundationNew Windows Runtime 2.0 updates...

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