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Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

Real World Design

Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors Image

Book Details:

Series: Newnes , Embedded
Author:Stuart R. Ball
Published:Mar 07 2001
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:3.53 MB

Book Description:

Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors addresses the technologies and methods used in interfacing analog devices to microprocessors, providing in-depth coverage of practical control applications, op amp examples, and much more. A companion to the author's popular Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design, this new embedded systems book focuses on measurement and control of analog quantities in embedded systems that are required to interface to the real world. At a time when modern electronic systems are increasingly digital, a comprehensive source on interfacing the real world to microprocessors should prove invaluable to embedded systems engineers, students, technicians, and hobbyists. Anyone involved in connecting the analog environment to their digital machines, or troubleshooting such connections will find this book especially useful. Stuart Ball is also the author of Debugging Embedded Microprocessor Systems, both published by Newnes. Additionally, Stuart has written articles for periodicals such as Circuit Cellar INK, Byte, and Modern Electronics. Provides hard-to-find information on interfacing analog devices and technologies to the purely digital world of embedded microprocessors.Gives the reader the insight and perspective of a real embedded systems design engineer, including tips that only a hands-on professional would know.Covers important considerations for both hardware and software systems when linking analog and digital devices.

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