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The ARRL UHF/Microwave

Projects Manual Volume 2

The ARRL UHF/Microwave Image

Book Details:

Publisher:American Radio Relay League
Series: MIX
Published:Mar 07 1994
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:14.88 MB

Book Description:

Antenna gain is essential for microware communication, and since it helps both transmitting and receiving, it is doubly valuable. Practical microwave antennas provide high gain within the range of amateur favrication skill and budgets. Three type of microwave antennas meet there criteria: horns, lenses and dishes. Horns are simple, foolproof and easy to build; a 10-GHz from with 17 dB of gain fits in the palm of a hand. Metal-plate lenses are easy to build, light in weight and noncritical to adjust. Finally, dishes can provide extremely high gain; a 2-foot dish at 10-Ghz has more than 30 dB of gain, and much larger dishes are available.

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