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Smashing Android UI

Smashing Android UI Image

Book Details:

Series: Wiley
Author:Juhani Lehtimaki
Published:Oct 15 2012
Posted:Dec 03 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:39.24 MB

Book Description:

Designers and developers, create smashing apps for Android devices If you're developing applications for Android smartphones and tablets, you know it isn't enough just to create the app. The application has to be intuitive, well laid out, and easy to use. Smashing Android UI shows you just how to do that. Starting with basic components, this practical, full-color book shows you how to create scalable layouts, make use of adaptive layouts and fragments, follow Android design best practices, and design sleek, intuitive user interfaces using Android UI design patterns. One of the newest guides in the terrific Smashing Magazine book series, this book takes you beyond the basics with expert techniques and innovative ideas. Learn smart solutions that will help you avoid pitfalls while building apps that can scale up to a multitude of possible Android device-and-browser combinations. Teaches practical techniques for developing and designing applications that work on all Android phones and tablets Helps developers who have Android experience, but not necessarily design experience, as well as designers who want to follow Android design best practices and patterns Starts with how to use simple components and then moves on to building scalable layouts Covers adaptive layouts and fragments, responsive design, and how to design user interfaces using Android UI design patterns Smashing Android UI: Responsive Android UI and Design Patterns for Phones and Tablets helps you create apps for the hottest thing in technology--Android devices!

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