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Managing Trust in Cyberspace

Managing Trust in Cyberspace Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Chapman and Hall/CRC
Series: CRC Press
Author:Sabu M. Thampi
Published:Dec 14 2013
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:10.82 MB

Book Description:

In distributed, open systems like cyberspace, where the behavior of autonomous agents is uncertain and can affect other agents' welfare, trust management is used to allow agents to determine what to expect about the behavior of other agents. The role of trust management is to maximize trust between the parties and thereby provide a basis for cooperation to develop. Bringing together expertise from technology-oriented sciences, law, philosophy, and social sciences, Managing Trust in Cyberspace addresses fundamental issues underpinning computational trust models and covers trust management processes for dynamic open systems and applications in a tutorial style that aids in understanding. Topics include trust in autonomic and self-organized networks, cloud computing, embedded computing, multi-agent systems, digital rights management, security and quality issues in trusting e-government service delivery, and context-aware e-commerce applications. The book also presents a walk-through of online identity management and examines using trust and argumentation in recommender systems. It concludes with a comprehensive survey of anti-forensics for network security and a review of password security and protection. Researchers and practitioners in fields such as distributed computing, Internet technologies, networked systems, information systems, human computer interaction, human behavior modeling, and intelligent informatics especially benefit from a discussion of future trust management research directions including pervasive and ubiquitous computing, wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks, cloud computing, social networks, e-services, P2P networks, near-field communications (NFC), electronic knowledge management, and nano-communication networks.

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