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Red Hat Linux 6.2

Red Hat Linux 6.2 Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Red Hat, Inc.
Series: MIX
Author:RedHat Inc
Published:Feb 22 1999
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:2.07 MB

Book Description:

The Official Red Hat Linux Reference Guide contains useful information about your Red Hat Linux system. In fact, much of the information you'll find within can be extended to just about any Linux distribution. From fundamental concepts such as using RPM and Gnome-RPM to the finer points of using disk partitioning, we hope you'll find this book to be a valuable resource. This guide is for you if you want to learn a bit more about how your Red Hat Linux system works. Among the featured entries, you'll learn about: Partitioning concepts - Both an introduction to disk partitions and the strategies behind "finding a home" for more than one operating system on hard drives; Text mode installation -- Despite Red Hat Linxu's GUI installation, you may want the control of a text mode install. Here's what you'll find, and what to expect. RPM - From both the Gnome-RPM front-end to using RPM at the consol; RAID concepts- Take one disk drive, add another, and anothe Make tem appear as a single logical unit, and you've got power and performance; Post-installation configuratio - Want to do a little tweaking after the installation?Here's where you can get a start.

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