Book Details:
Publisher: | Publishing |
Series: |
Author: | Hans Camenzind |
Edition: | 1 |
ISBN-10: | 1589397185 |
ISBN-13: | 9781589397187 |
Pages: | 244 |
Published: | Mar 31 2005 |
Posted: | Nov 19 2014 |
Language: | English |
Book format: | PDF |
Book size: | 2.6 MB |
Book Description:
A comprehensive introduction to CMOS and bipolar analog IC design. The book presumes no prior knowledge of linear design, making it comprehensible to engineers with a non-analog back-ground. The emphasis is on practical design, covering the entire field with hundreds of examples to explain the choices. Concepts are presented following the history of their discovery. Content: 1. Devices Semiconductors, The Bipolar Transistor, The Integrated Circuit, Integrated NPN Transistors, The Case of the Lateral PNP Transistor, CMOS Transistors, The Substrate PNP Transistor, Diodes, Zener Diodes, Resistors, Capacitors, CMOS vs. Bipolar; 2. Simulation, DC Analysis, AC Analysis, Transient Analysis, Variations, Models, Diode Model, Bipolar Transis-tor Model, Model for the Lateral PNP Transistor, MOS Transistor Models, Resistor Models, Models for Capacitors; 3. Current Mirrors; 4. Differential Pairs; 5. Current Sources; 6. Time Out: Analog Measures, dB, RMS, Noise, Fourier Analysis, Distortion, Frequency Compensation; 7. Bandgap References; 8. Op Amps; 9. Comparators; 10. Transimpedance Amplifiers; 11. Timers and Oscillators; 12. Phase-Locked Loops; 13. Filters; 14. Power, Linear Regulators, Low Drop-Out Regulators, Switching Regulators, Linear Power Amplifiers, Switching Power Am-plifiers; 15. A to D and D to A, The Delta-Sigma Converter; 16. Odds and Ends, Gilbert Cell, Multipliers, Peak Detectors, Rectifiers and Averaging Circuits, Thermometers, Zero-Crossing Detectors; 17. Layout.
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