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DirectX 11.1 Game Programming

DirectX 11.1 Game Programming Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Packt Publishing
Series: Packt
Author:Pooya Eimandar
Published:Aug 26 2013
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:2.12 MB

Book Description:

A step-by-step guide to creating 3D applications and interactive games in Windows 8 Overview Learn new features in Direct3D 11.1 Discover how to develop a multithreaded pipeline game engine Understand shader model 5 and learn how to create an editor for the game In Detail DirectX is designed to create eye-popping 3-D visuals and immersive sound effects found in many of today's PC games. DirectX 11.1 includes numerous improvements from its previous version. It's designed to be more efficient, leverage the power of today's multi-core processors, and provide support for sophisticated shading and texturing techniques such as tessellation. DirectX 11.1 Game Programming brings unprecedented power and flexibility to programmers who want to excel in graphical programs. DirectX 11.1 Game Programming is an introduction to creating interactive computer graphics and games, using Direct3D 11.1. You would be guided through the new features of Direct3D along with XAML to build an extensible multithreaded framework for creating 3D applications and games on the Windows 8 metro style platform. DirectX 11.1 Game Programming explores the techniques to set up a 3D multithreaded framework for metro style graphics programs. You would be guided through the process of extending your framework to utilize the advantages of Direct3D 11.1. We would then explore Visual Studio Model editor for loading and editing your assets and learn how to render them with the Direct3D pipeline. We will also explore the supporting inputs such as keyboards, pointers, Xbox controllers, and how to render the complete 3D scene using camera, sound, billboard, tessellation, post processors, and parallel libraries, along with supporting XAML. You would also learn the different techniques of debugging the program and would be well equipped with everything you need to start programming 3D applications and games with DirectX 11.1 on Windows 8 platforms. What you will learn from this book Loading and rendering mesh using the output format of Visual Studio Model Editor. Draw geometry with texture and compiled shaders Load and render meshes using the output format of the Visual Studio Model editor Implementing asynchronous resource loading Displaying performance data Add collision detection, sound, bump mapping, specular mapping, and a billboard system to the framework Use tessellation for improving material surfaces Compose XAML and Direct3D Add post processing and parallel collision detection using C++Amp Approach Written in step-by-step tutorial format, we will explore the creation of 3D applications and games through the development of a Windows 8 metro style game. Who this book is written for DirectX 11.1 Game Programming Written for developers with knowledge of C++ essentails and 3D mathematics who would want to create metro style game on the Windows 8 platform. DirectX 11.1 Game Programming explores Direct3D 11.1 and Microsoft C++ component extensions along with introducing C++ accelerated massive parallelism.

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