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Source SDK Game Development Essentials

Source SDK Game Development Essentials Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Packt Publishing
Series: Packt , Essentials
Author:Brett Bernier
Published:Feb 21 2014
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:11.94 MB

Book Description:

Develop engaging and immersive mods with Source SDK Overview Create maps and mods using the tools provided with Source SDK Learn how to use Hammer to create your own game worlds Create goal-driven A.I. sequences and scripts Master Source SDK tools with ease with step by step tutorials In Detail The Source Authoring Tools are the pieces of software used to create custom content for games made with Valve's Source engine. Creating mods and maps for your games without any programming knowledge can be time consuming. These tools allow you to create your own maps and levels without the need for any coding knowledge. All the tools that you need to start creating your own levels are built-in and ready to go! This book will teach you how to use the Authoring Tools provided with Source games and will guide you in creating your first maps and mods (modifications) using Source. You will learn how to stay organized, map efficiently, and avoid the most common mapping mistakes. This practical guide begins by setting you up with Source SDK and a 3D development environment. Through a series of guided tutorials, you will learn what it takes to create a professional, polished map or mod. You will learn how to create varying types of worlds, from underground labs to flowing outdoor terrains. You will also learn how to bring life into your world with advanced texturing, lighting, and decorating techniques. Towards the end of the book, we will learn how to create goal-driven A.I. sequences and scripts to choreograph epic battles and take control of your enemies and allies. The content has been developed using the illustrations from Half Life Episode 2 What you will learn from this book Sculpt the physical world with Hammer's easy-to-use block and terrain tools Make visually engaging environments with props and textures Use lighting and color correction to create immersive atmospheres Import your custom content into the game Script special events using the powerful input/output system Control the non-playable characters to bring life to your world Manipulate the A.I. to choreograph assaults, battles, and squad movements Create an infinite amount of particle effects with the particle editor Approach This book is written by a gamer, for a gamer to guide just about anything with Source SDK giving a firm grasp of all the tools it has to offer using step-by-step explanations. Who this book is written for If you're a keen gamer who wants a bit more out of your favorite game and create your own modifications (mods) and levels with the Source engine, this book is great for you. No programming and Source SDK experience is required.

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