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C# for Java Programmers

C# for Java Programmers Image

Book Details:

Series: Syngress
Author:Jeremy Faircloth
Published:Jun 15 2002
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:7.14 MB

Book Description:

Java Programmers, Preprare for Microsoft's .NET initiative while enhancing your repertoire and marketability with C# for Java Progammers!C# for Java Programmers will prepare readers for the .NET framework by building on what they already know about object-oriented languages and give them the means to maintain their flexibility and effectiveness in an un-certain marketplace. This book will compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of both Java and C# to allow programmers to make their own decisions regarding what each language is best used for.Whatever your feelings are about Microsoft and its .NET initiative, there can be no denying that C# is here to stay. The C# language, a close cousin to Java, is a new object-oriented programming language (OOPL) designed to work within the .NET framework. It improves upon many of the vague or ill-defined areas of C++ that frequently lead programmers into trouble. C# is a strongly-typed, object-oriented language designed to give the optimum blend of simplicity, expressiveness, and performance. Written specifically for Java programmers. C# for Java Programmers is not an introductory guide to C#, but builds on what Java programmers already know about object-oriented languages to give them an efficient means for making in-roads to the .NET framework. Compare and Contrast. This book will compare and contrast many of the advantages and drawbacks of Java and C# to allow programmers to make informed, intelligent decisions based on the unique uses of each language.Make your own in-depth analysis of C# and Java with the Syngress Wallet CD. Accompanying each book will be a wallet CD containing the HTML version of the text and in-depth code comparison to allow programmers to see for themselves the various differences between Java and C#.

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