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Addison Wesley eBooks Page 33

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Distributed Systems

Concepts and Design
Distributed Systems Image
3rd Edition
This new edition represents a significant update of this best-selling textbook for distributed systems. It incorporates and anticipates the major developments in distributed systems technology. All chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated, including emphasis on the Internet, intranets, mobility and middleware. There is increased emphasis on algorithms and discussion of security has been brought forward in the text and integrated with other related technologies. As with previous editions, this book is intended to provide knowledge of the principles and practice of distributed system design. Information is conveyed in sufficient depth to allow r...

LDAP Directories Explained

An Introduction and Analysis
LDAP Directories Explained Image
Directory services matter to nearly every organization because they help centrally manage information and thereby reduce the costs of computing services. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a set of protocols that have become the internet standard for accessing directories. Many people need to understand directory services and LDAP in order to make decisions for their business. The books currently available are too advanced for technical managers and those new to directory services. This book is designed to fill that need. The author spends the first half of the book exploring how directory services and LDAP work and then the second half discussing the most popular implementations - OpenLDAP, Microsoft Active Directory, and Directory Serv...

Advanced Linux Networking

Advanced Linux Networking Image
Increasingly, Linux is used to drive networks in mission-critical environments -- and system/network administrators working in those environments must have far deeper expertise than ever before. Advanced Linux Networking picks up where conventional Linux books leave off, helping experienced Linux system and network administrators accomplish more -- and solve more problems -- than they can with any other book. Its breadth and depth make it an exceptional single-volume reference for every Linux professional. The book is structured into four sections, each essential to the working Linux administrator: Low-Level Configuration, Local Network Servers, Internet Servers, and Network Security and Router Functions. In-depth coverage includes: kernel and TCP/IP...

Software Security Engineering

A Guide for Project Managers
Software Security Engineering Image
'This book's broad overview can help an organization choose a set of processes, policies, and techniques that are appropriate for its security maturity, risk tolerance, and development style. This book will help you understand how to incorporate practical security techniques into all phases of the development lifecycle.' -Steve Riley, senior security strategist, Microsoft Corporation 'There are books written on some of the topics addressed in this book, and there are other books on secure systems engineering. Few address the entire life cycle with a comprehensive overview and discussion of emerging trends and topics as well as this one.' -Ronda Henning, senior scientist-software/security queen, Harris Corporation Software that is developed fro...

Objective-C Phrasebook

Objective-C Phrasebook Image
Objective-C Phrasebook gives you the code phrases you need to quickly and effectively complete your programming projects with Objective-C, on systems including iOS and Mac OS X. Concise and Accessible Easy to carry and easy to uselets you ditch all those bulky books for one portable pocket guide Flexible and Functional Packed with more than 100 customizable code snippetsso you can readily code elegant Objective-C in just about any situation...

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