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CERT Resilience Management Model

A Maturity Model for Managing Operational Resilience
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CERT Resilience Management Model (CERT-RMM) is an innovative and transformative way to manage operational resilience in complex, risk-evolving environments. CERT-RMM distills years of research into best practices for managing the security and survivability of people, information, technology, and facilities. It integrates these best practices into a unified, capability-focused maturity model that encompasses security, business continuity, and IT operations. By using CERT-RMM, organizations can escape silo-driven approaches to managing operational risk and align to achieve strategic resilience management goals. This book both introduces CERT-RMM and presents the model in its entirety. It begins with essential background for all professionals, whether ...

Windows System Programming

Windows System Programming Image
4th Edition
'If you're writing a native Win32 program or just want to know what the OS is really doing underneath, you need John's book. He covers the stuff that real systems programmers absolutely must know. Recommended.' Chris Sells, Microsoft Corporation 'This fourth edition does a great job of incorporating new features in the Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7 API, but also stays true to teaching the foundational elements of building applications that target the Windows OS.' Jason Beres, Product Management, Infragistics The Definitive Guide to Windows API Programming, Fully Updated for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista Windows...

Mac OS X Internals

A Systems Approach
Mac OS X Internals Image
Mac OS X was released in March 2001, but many components, such as Mach and BSD, are considerably older. Understanding the design, implementation, and workings of Mac OS X requires examination of several technologies that differ in their age, origins, philosophies, and roles. Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach is the first book that dissects the internals of the system, presenting a detailed picture that grows incrementally as you read. For example, you will learn the roles of the firmware, the bootloader, the Mach and BSD kernel components (including the process, virtual memory, IPC, and file system layers), the object-oriented I/O Kit driver framework, user libraries, and other core pieces of software. You will learn how these pieces connect ...

Mac OS X Leopard Phrasebook

Mac OS X Leopard Phrasebook Image
Mac OS X Leopard Phrasebook Brian Tiemann Essential Code and Commands Mac OS X Leopard Phrasebook gives you the complete command phrases you need to take full advantage of the Leopard's hidden and undocumented power underneath the graphical user interface: time-saving solutions for effectively working with files, folders, the Finder, Spotlight, text files, servers, disks, CDs/DVDs, permissions, printing, applications, Expos, networking, security, and much more. Concise and Accessible Easy to carry and easy to uselets you ditch all those bulky books for one portable pocket guide Flexible and Functional Packed with more than 100 complete command phrasesso you can make the most of Mac OS X Leopard in just about any situation Brian Tiemann is a ...

XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming

Developing for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360
XNA Game Studio 4.0 Programming Image
Get Started Fast with XNA Game Studio 4.0and Build Great Games for Both Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360 This is the industry's best reference and tutorial for all aspects of XNA Game Studio 4.0 programming on all supported platforms, from Xbox 360 to Windows Phone 7 and Windows PCs. The only game development book authored by Microsoft XNA development team members, it offers deep insider insights you won't get anywhere elseincluding thorough coverage of new Windows Phone APIs for mobile game development. You'll quickly build simple games and get comfortable with Microsoft's powerful XNA Game Studio 4.0 toolset. Next, you'll drill down into every area of XNA, including graphics, input, audio, video, storage, GamerServices, and networking. Miller and Jo...

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