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SharePoint 2010 Development with Visual Studio 2010

SharePoint 2010 Development with Visual Studio 2010 Image
With SharePoint 2010, developers finally have the powerful, end-to-end development tools they need to build outstanding solutions quickly and painlessly. What's more, those tools are built directly into the latest version of Visual Studio, the development platform most Microsoft developers already know. In this book, the Microsoft experts who created these tools show you how to take full advantage of them. The authors focus specifically on the SharePoint scenarios that Visual Studio 2010 now makes accessible to mainstream Microsoft developers. They assume no experience with SharePoint development and focus on SharePoint Foundation 2010: the low-cost version designed for organizations and departments of all kinds, not just large enterprises. Sha...

Servlets and JavaServer Pages

The J2EE Technology Web Tier
Servlets and JavaServer Pages Image
Series: The DevelopMentor Series This is the authoritative tutorial to the JSP 2.0 and Servlets 2.4 specifications written by JSP W3C expert committee members-Jayson Falkner, JSPInsider founder and WebMaster, and Kevin Jones, DevelopMentor UK co-founder. Servlets and JavaServer Pages(t) is a complete guide to building web applications using Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages. The book covers the basics including installing a JSP/Servlet environment on your computer, HTTP, HTML forms, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.4, custom tag libraries, and the JSTL 1.0. The book also covers the most complex topics of error handling, design patterns, internationalization and multi-lingual sites, security, sessions and state management, database connectivity, and building site...

Secure XML

The New Syntax for Signatures and Encryption
Secure XML Image
As XML is more broadly used in both web sites and business applications, the need to insure security of XML based applications grows. Most books on XML have at best a chapter devoted to security issues, and there is only one other book currently on the market devoted exclusively to XML Security. This book will show developers all they need to know about how to use XML Digital Signatures to protect the integrity and authenticity of data, and how to use XML Encryption to control its confidentiality. The lead author is at the center of the IETF and W3C working groups formalizing the standards, so there is no one better qualified to write about them. The book will also appeal to networking/security professionals who need to start dealing with the impact ...

SQL Server 2005 Distilled

SQL Server 2005 Distilled Image
SQL Server 2000 has been one of Microsoft's most popular products ever, with more than 1 million licenses sold; there is a huge installed base. Robust sales of many books on SQL Server attest to this. The next release of SQL Server, version 2005, represents five years of development work by Microsoft. It will be a major upgrade from SQL Server 2000, with many major changes in the core technology. After a period of testing the new product, most companies are expected to upgrade to the new version. In fact, tens of thousands of companies have already been working with the beta. As companies evaulate whether and when to upgrade, they'll appreciate the advice of an insider such as Eric Brown, who was intimately involved in evangelizing about the product ...

SQL Performance Tuning

SQL Performance Tuning Image
A poorly performing database application can cost each user time, and have an impact on other applications running on the same computer or the same network. This book will help DBA's and programmers improve the performance of their databases. It is not an introduction to SQL, nor is it a tuning manual for a particular SQL implementation. It is a guide for users and programmers who want to improve SQL performance no matter what brand of SQL they use. It will provide tuning tips for common situations, such as how to change a query so it will go faster and how to shift work from the server to the client. All the ideas have been tested against the eight leading DBMS applications. Almost all large organizations and companies today run more than one type o...

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