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Real-Time Design Patterns

Robust Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Systems
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Real-time and embedded systems developers face unique challenges. The systems they design must use very limited processor and memory resources optimally to meet mission-critical and high reliability requirements. Developers working on these systems see the same common threads in problems again and again. The very best developers abstract these problems and their solutions into generalized approaches that prove consistently effective: design patterns. In this book, real-time programming guru Bruce Powel Douglass collects the best design patterns from this unique, and rapidly growing, area of programming, and presents them in an instructional format that teaches the reader the "what, when, and how" of leveraging the significant power of these...

Real 802.11 Security

Wi-Fi Protected Access and 802.11i
Real 802.11 Security Image
Real 802.11 Security describes an entirely new approach to wireless LAN security based on the latest developments in Wi-Fi technology. The author team addresses the theory, implementations, and reality of Wi-Fi security. It provides an overview of security issues, explains how security works in Wi-Fi networks, and explores various security and authentication protocols. The book concludes with an in-depth discussion of real-world security issues and attack tools....


Building a Social Networking Website with Ruby on Rails
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Ruby on Rails is fast displacing PHP, ASP, and J2EE as the development framework of choice for discriminating programmers, thanks to its elegant design and emphasis on practical results. RailsSpace teaches you to build large-scale projects with Rails by developing a real-world application: a social networking website like MySpace, Facebook, or Friendster. Inside, the authors walk you step by step from the creation of the site's virtually static front page, through user registration and authentication, and into a highly dynamic site, complete with user profiles, image upload, email, blogs, full-text and geographical search, and a friendship request system. In the process, you learn how Rails helps you control code complexity with the model-view-cont...


Audio and Video for the Internet
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The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) provides a framework for delivery of audio and video across IP networks with unprecedented quality and reliability. In RTP: Audio and Video for the Internet, Colin Perkins, a leader of the RTP standardization process in the IETF, offers readers detailed technical guidance for designing, implementing, and managing any RTP-based system. By bringing together crucial information that was previously scattered or difficult to find, Perkins has created an incredible resource that enables professionals to leverage RTP's benefits in a wide range of Voice-over IP (VoIP) and streaming media applications. He demonstrates how RTP supports audio/video transmission in IP networks, and shares strategies for maximizing performan...

Python Web Development with Django

Python Web Development with Django Image
Using the simple, robust, Python-based Django framework, you can build powerful Web solutions with remarkably few lines of code. In Python Web Development with Django, three experienced Django and Python developers cover all the techniques, tools, and concepts you need to make the most of Django 1.0, including all the major features of the new release. The authors teach Django through in-depth explanations, plus provide extensive sample code supported with images and line-by-line explanations. You'll discover how Django leverages Python's development speed and flexibility to help you solve a wide spectrum of Web development problems and learn Django best practices covered nowhere else. You'll build your first Django application in just minutes and...

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