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Python Programming

With the Java Class Libraries
Python Programming Image
Python and Java are natural team-mates. Using Python together with the Java class libraries, developers at all levels can leverage Python's simplicity and Java's power together, building advanced Web and enterprise applications with remarkable speed and efficiency. Richard Hightower shows how, from start to finish. Using step-by-step examples, Hightower introduces the fundamentals of Python and object-oriented programming. You'll learn how to work with files, use Python's intrinsic functionality, and take advantage of Python's powerful string handling capabilities. Next, Hightower shows how to interface with Java APIs; how to build Swing graphical applications more easily with JPython; and, how to utilize SQL and JDBC to access enterprise data from P...

Programming Wireless Devices with the Java2 Platform

Micro Edition
Programming Wireless Devices with the Java2 Platform Image
2nd Edition
This book presents the JavaaA A 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2MEaA A ) standards that support the development of applications for consumer devices such as mobile phones, two-way pagers, and wireless personal organizers. To create these standards, Sun collaborated with such consumer device companies as Motorola, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, Research In Motion, Samsung, Siemens, Sony Ericsson, and many others. The result is a highly portable, small-footprint application development environment that brings the unique capabilities of Java technology, including platform independence and enhanced security, to the rapidly growing wireless market. This definitive JavaaA ...

Programming Ruby

A Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
Programming Ruby Image
Ruby, a new, object-oriented scripting language, has won over thousands of Perl and Python programmers in Japan -- and it's now launching worldwide. This is the world's first English-language developer's guide to Ruby. Written by the two leading Ruby developers, Programming Ruby demonstrates Ruby's compelling advantages, and serves as a start-to-finish tutorial and reference for every developer. The authors introduce all of Ruby's basics, including classes, objects, variables, container, iterators, types, methods, expressions, modules, I/O, and threads. You'll master Ruby development for the Web, including CGI scripts and embedding Ruby in HTML; learn how to create GUI-based Ruby applications with TK; and discover techniques for integrating Ruby with...

Programming for the Java Virtual Machine

Programming for the Java Virtual Machine Image
The core of Java technology, the Java virtual machine is an abstract computing machine that enables the Java platform to host applications on any computer or operating system without rewriting or recompiling. Anyone interested in designing a language or writing a compiler for the Java virtual machine must have an in-depth understanding of its binary class format and instruction set. If you are programming with the Java programming language, knowledge of the Java virtual machine will give you valuable insight into the Java platform's security capabilities and cross-platform portability. It will increase your understanding of the Java programming language, enabling you to improve the security and performance of your programs. The author employs a tutor...

Professional Software Development

Shorter Schedules, Higher Quality Products, More Successful Projects, Enhanced Careers
Professional Software Development Image
Renowned software expert Steve McConnell helps software students transition to the role of software professionals. Significant developments are afoot that will impact the future careers of student programmers, including initiatives in education, professional development, certification, and licensing. Some of these developments are well thought out and positive; others are being forced and need to be improved before they are standardized. Software development is changing, whether programmers recognize it or not. Programmers who are not paying attention could easily find themselves working as twenty-first century software janitors. This book describes the occupation of computer programming as it exists today and the profession of software engineering a...

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