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Managing Windows with VBScript and WMI

Managing Windows with VBScript and WMI Image
"Finally, a step-by-step VBScripting book to make you look like a programmer without the time and sweat! Don't waste your time searching the Internet for examples--this book does it for you!" --Greg A. Marino, Senior Systems Engineer/Consultant, Westtown Consulting Group, Inc.Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript) and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) are vital tools for systems administrators grappling with the increasing complexity of Windows technologies. However, busy admins have been without a straightforward guide to scripting...until now.Managing Windows with VBScript and WMI explains how Windows administrators can effectively use VBScript to automate common administrative tasks and simplify complex ones. Detailed coverage of secu...

Managing Software Requirements

A Unified Approach
Managing Software Requirements Image
"A comprehensive solution to the requirements challenges faced by every development team. Full of insight and ideas all developers can learn from." --Ivar Jacobson"Many projects fail for the simple reason that the developers fail to build the right thing: They either deliver a system that does not meet the expectations of its intended users, or they deliver a system that focuses on secondary functions at the expense of its primary use. Drawing on their extensive experience, Dean and Don demonstrate how to employ an industrial-strength requirements process, one that helps ensure you will build the right thing. Developers of any kind of application should read this book." --Grady Booch Despite the wealth of development knowledge, ex...

Managing Linux Systems with Webmin

System Administration and Module Development
Managing Linux Systems with Webmin Image
Written by the creator of Webmin, this book explains how to use the most popular Webmin modules to perform common administration tasks on a Linux system such as adding users, configuring Apache, setting up NFS file sharing and managing the Sendmail mail server.Each chapter covers a single server or service, and is broken down into sections that list the steps required to carry out certain tasks using Webmin. The chapters also provide some background on the service being configured and the basic concepts behind it.Cameron also explains how to develop your own Webmin modules and themes, and includes a complete reference for the API that is available to module writers. He dissects each of the standard modules and themes so that programmers thinking of w...

MIDP 2.0 Style Guide

MIDP 2.0 Style Guide Image
MIDP 2.0 Style Guide for the JavaaA A 2 Platform, Micro Edition, is the comprehensive reference for designing and creating interactive JavaaA A applications for consumer-oriented mobile devices. Readers learn how to best exploit MIDP 2.0 features, such as the gaming API, multimedia, and security for user-friendly MIDlets. Readers who create MIDP environments (MIDP implementors) also learn how to best support developers and users. This book begins by introducing readers to the unique requirements of the consumer market and to the characteristics of MIDs and the MIDP 2.0 environment. Readers have a first look at the process of designing applications for MIDP in general terms before examining the nuts and bolts of creating usable, predictable applicatio...

MDA Explained

The Model Driven Architecture Practice and Promise
MDA Explained Image
"Jos Warmer's work has contributed greatly to the semantics of the UML. From that perspective, and in this book, he offers insight on how one can and can't use the UML to move to the next level of abstraction in building systems." -Grady Booch Experienced application developers often invest more time in building models than they do in actually writing code. Why? Well-constructed models make it easier to deliver large, complex enterprise systems on time and within budget. Now, a new framework advanced by the Object Management Group (OMG) allows developers to build systems according to their core business logic and data-independently of any particular hardware, operating system, or middleware. Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is a framework ba...

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