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Effective C++

55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
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3rd Edition
'Every C++ professional needs a copy of Effective C++. It is an absolute must-read for anyone thinking of doing serious C++ development. If you've never read Effective C++ and you think you know everything about C++, think again.'- Steve Schirripa, Software Engineer, Google 'C++ and the C++ community have grown up in the last fifteen years, and the third edition of Effective C++ reflects this. The clear and precise style of the book is evidence of Scott's deep insight and distinctive ability to impart knowledge.'- Gerhard Kreuzer, Research and Development Engineer, Siemens AG The first two editions of Effective C++ were embraced by hundreds of thousand...


Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins
Eclipse Image
2nd Edition
A new edition of this title is available, ISBN-10: 0321553462 ISBN-13: 9780321553461 "I'm often asked, 'What are the best books about Eclipse?' Number one on my list, every time, is Eclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins. I find it to be the clearest and most relevant book about Eclipse for the real-world software developer. Other Eclipse books focus on the internal Eclipse architecture or on repeating the Eclipse documentation, whereas this book is laser focused on the issues and concepts that matter when you're trying to build a product."-- Bjorn Freeman-BensonDirector, Open Source Process, Eclipse Foundation "As the title su...

.NET for Java Developers

Migrating to C#
.NET for Java Developers Image
.NET for Java Developers explains the .NET Framework from a Java programmer's perspective. Java has become such a popular language partly because it makes web-based rapid application development possible on different platforms. For Windows applications, however, Java has not been able to utilize all the platform-specific features that are available to Visual Basic and Visual C++. C# is the perfect solution. The similarities between Java and C# offer a channel for Java programmers to reuse their skills on the Windows platform. This book is filled with comparisons between Java and C#, to help Java programmers easily migrate their current skills to C# and the .NET set of development tools. It contains extensive sample code to illustrate the concepts. Th...


Using the Dojo JavaScript Library to Build Ajax Applications
Dojo Image
Dojo offers Web developers and designers a powerful JavaScript toolkit for rapidly developing robust Ajax applications. Now, for the first time, there's a complete, example-rich developer's guide to Dojo and its growing library of prepackaged widgets. Reviewed and endorsed by the Dojo Foundation, the creators of Dojo, this book brings together all the hands-on guidance and tested code samples you need to succeed. Expert Web developer James E. Harmon begins by demonstrating how to 'Ajax-ify' existing applications and pages with Dojo, adding Ajax features such as client- and server-side validation as quickly and nondisruptively as possible. Next, he presents in-depth coverage of Dojo's user interface, form, layout, and specialized Widgets, showing ho...

Documenting Software Architectures

Views and Beyond
Documenting Software Architectures Image
Architecture is crucial to the success of any large software system -- but even a superb architecture will fail if it isn't communicated well. Now, there's a language- and notation-independent guide to capturing architecture so it can be used successfully by every analyst, software designer, and developer. The authors review the diverse goals and uses of software architecture documentation, providing documentation strategies for several common scenarios. They identify the basic unit of software architecture documentation: the viewtype, which specifies the type of information to be provided in an architectural view. For each viewtype -- Modules, Component-and-Connectors, and Allocation -- they offer detailed guidance on documenting what really matters...

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