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Documenting Software Architectures

Views and Beyond

Documenting Software Architectures Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Addison-Wesley Professional
Series: Addison Wesley
Author:Paul Clements
Published:Oct 06 2002
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:3.32 MB

Book Description:

Architecture is crucial to the success of any large software system -- but even a superb architecture will fail if it isn't communicated well. Now, there's a language- and notation-independent guide to capturing architecture so it can be used successfully by every analyst, software designer, and developer. The authors review the diverse goals and uses of software architecture documentation, providing documentation strategies for several common scenarios. They identify the basic unit of software architecture documentation: the viewtype, which specifies the type of information to be provided in an architectural view. For each viewtype -- Modules, Component-and-Connectors, and Allocation -- they offer detailed guidance on documenting what really matters. Next, they demonstrate how to package architecture documentation in coherent, usable form: augmenting architectural views with documentation of interfaces and behavior; accounting for architectural variability and dynamic systems; and more.

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