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A Game Design Vocabulary

Exploring the Foundational Principles Behind Good Game Design
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Master the Principles and Vocabulary of Game Design Why aren't videogames getting better? Why does it feel like we're playing the same games, over and over again? Why aren't games helping us transform our lives, like great music, books, and movies do? The problem is language. We still don't know how to talk about game design. We can't share our visions. We forget what works (and doesn't). We don't learn from history. It's too hard to improve. The breakthrough starts here. A Game Design Vocabulary gives us the complete game design framework we desperately need-whether we create games, study them, review them, or build businesses on them. Craft amazing experiences. Anna Anthropy and Naomi Clark share foundational principles, examples, and exer...

Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns

With Examples in C# and .NET
Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns Image
Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns is the first complete, practical guide to leveraging patterns, domain-driven design, and test-driven development in .NET environments. Drawing on seminal work by Martin Fowler and Eric Evans, Jimmy Nilsson shows how to customize real-world architectures for any .NET application. You'll learn how to prepare domain models for application infrastructure; support business rules; provide persistence support; plan for the presentation layer and UI testing; and design for service orientation or aspect orientation. Nilsson illuminates each principle with clear, well-annotated code examples based on C# 2.0, .NET 2.0, and SQL Server 2005. His examples will be valuable both to C# developers and those working with other...

Starting Out With Visual Basic 2012

Starting Out With Visual Basic 2012 Image
6th Edition
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyProgrammingLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyProgrammingLab search for ISBN-10: 0133441873 / ISBN-13: 9780133441871. That package includes ISBN-10: 0133128083 / ISBN-13: 9780133128086 and ISBN-10: 0133452344 / ISBN-13: 9780133452341. MyProgrammingLab is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. In Starting Out with Visual Basic 2012 , Tony Gaddis and Kip Irvine take a step-by-step approach, helping readers understand the logic behind developing quality programs while introducing ...

The CUDA Handbook

A Comprehensive Guide to GPU Programming
The CUDA Handbook Image
Designed to be both a comprehensive reference and a practical cookbook, the text is divided into the following three parts: Part I, Overview, gives high-level descriptions of the hardware and software that make CUDA possible. Part II, Details, provides thorough descriptions of every aspect of CUDA, including Memory Streams and events Models of execution, including the dynamic parallelism feature, new with CUDA 5.0 and SM 3.5 The streaming multiprocessors, including descriptions of all features through SM 3.5 Programming multiple GPUs Texturing The source code accompanying Part II is presented as reusable microbenchmarks and microdemos, designed to expose specific hardware characteristics or highlight specific use cases. Part III, ...

Essential Scrum

A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process
Essential Scrum Image
A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process The Single-Source, Comprehensive Guide to Scrum for All Team Members, Managers, and Executives If you want to use Scrum to develop innovative products and services that delight your customers, Essential Scrum is the complete, single-source reference you've been searching for. Leading Scrum coach and trainer Kenny Rubin illuminates the values, principles, and practices of Scrum, and describes flexible, proven approaches that can help you implement it far more effectively. Whether you are new to Scrum or years into your use, this book will introduce, clarify, and deepen your Scrum knowledge at the team, product, and portfolio levels. Drawing from Rubin's experience helping hundreds of org...

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