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Godfrey Nolan eBooks

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Agile Android

Agile Android Image
This unique short book walks you through how to get unit testing and test driven development done on the Android platform - on both new and existing Android projects, specifically using JUnit 4 which is now allowed by Google to use and run. Done correctly, agile development results in a significant increase in development efficiency and a reduction in the number of defects. This book shows you how it's done quickly but correctly. Agile practices have made major inroads in Java development, however it's very unusual to see something as basic as unit testing on an Android project. Done correctly, Agile development results in a significant increase in development efficiency and a reduction in the number of defects. Google have finally moved away from J...

Android Best Practices

Android Best Practices Image
Android Best Practices by Godfrey Nolan shows you how to make your Android apps stand out from the crowd with great reviews. Why settle for just making any Android app? Build a brilliant Android app instead that lets your users praise it for ease of use, better performance, and more. Using a series of example apps which gradually evolve throughout this book, Android Best Practices brings together current Android best practices from user interface (UI)/user experience (UX) design, test-driven development (TDD), and design patterns (e.g., MVC) to help you take your app to the next level.In this book you'll learn how to: Use Android design patterns for consistent UI experience on many devices Use agile techniques such as test-driven development, behavio...

Decompiling Android

Decompiling Android Image
Decompiling Android looks at the the reason why Android apps can be decompiled to recover their source code, what it means to Android developers and how you can protect your code from prying eyes. This is also a good way to see how good and bad Android apps are constructed and how to learn from them in building your own apps. This is becoming an increasingly important topic as the Android marketplace grows and developers are unwittingly releasing the apps with lots of back doors allowing people to potentially obtain credit card information anddatabase logins to back-end systems, as they dont realize how easy it is to decompile their Android code. In depth examination of the Java and Android class file structures Tools and techniques for decomp...

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