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Agile Android

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Book Details:

Series: Apress
Author:Godfrey Nolan
Published:Mar 01 2016
Posted:Mar 25 2016
Book format:PDF
Book size:2.33 MB

Book Description:

This unique short book walks you through how to get unit testing and test driven development done on the Android platform - on both new and existing Android projects, specifically using JUnit 4 which is now allowed by Google to use and run. Done correctly, agile development results in a significant increase in development efficiency and a reduction in the number of defects. This book shows you how it's done quickly but correctly. Agile practices have made major inroads in Java development, however it's very unusual to see something as basic as unit testing on an Android project. Done correctly, Agile development results in a significant increase in development efficiency and a reduction in the number of defects. Google have finally moved away from JUnit 3 and the developer can now do the more commonly accepted JUnit 4 tests in Android Studio. Up until now getting JUnit testing up and running in Android was not for the "faint hearted." However, "now it's in Android Studio, there is no excuse," according to the author Godrey Nolan, president of RIIS LLC. Android developers are faced with their own set of problems such as tightly coupled code, fragmentation, immature testing tools all of which can be solved using existing Agile tools and techniques that this short book will teach you. What You'll Learn: * What are the primary agile learning objectives applicable to Android * What are the key Android unit testing tools and how to use them* What is mock testing and the mock testing learning objectives and how to apply these to your Android apps* How to use dependency injection* How to apply test driven development to Android* How to deal with legacy code, a big issue with regards to Android Audience: This book is for experienced Android app developers looking for an edge to build better and more agile Android apps. Some experience with Java also helpful.

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