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Graphics Gems

Graphics Gems Image
"The GRAPHICS GEMS Series" was started in 1990 by Andrew Glassner. The vision and purpose of the Series was - and still is - to provide tips, techniques, and algorithms for graphics programmers. All of the gems are written by programmers who work in the field and are motivated by a common desire to share interesting ideas and tools with their colleagues. Each volume provides a new set of innovative solutions to a variety of programming problems....

Graphics Gems II

Graphics Gems II Image
Follow-up volume to the 1990 Academic Press bestseller Graphics Gems. Contains public domain C implementations of many gems. DLC: 1. Computer graphics. Graphics Gems II is a collection of articles shared by a diverse group of people that reflect ideas and approaches in graphics programming which can benefit other computer graphics programmers. This volume presents techniques for doing well-known graphics operations faster or easier. The book contains chapters devoted to topics on two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry and algorithms, image processing, frame buffer techniques, and ray tracing techniques. The radiosity approach, matrix techniques, and numerical and programming techniques are likewise discussed. Graphics artists and computer pro...

Multi-Threaded Game Engine Design

Multi-Threaded Game Engine Design Image
Multi-Threaded Game Engine Design shows experienced game developers how to apply multi-thread techniques to game programming technology to improve game performance. Using Direct3D and C++, a sample game engine is created step-by-step throughout the course of the book, and numerous examples illustrate the concepts presented. Detailed screenshots and well documented source code help readers understand the techniques being presented throughout the book. Multi-threading is one of the hottest game development topics today and this book will show students how to apply advanced, cutting edge techniques to their game programming skill set. Threading Experiment: Sample Images...

David Busch's Sony Alpha SLT-A55/A33

Digital Photography
David Busch's Sony Alpha SLT-A55/A33 Image
The Sony Alpha SLT-A55 and A33 are innovative new models that feature the unique ability to shoot stills at 10 frames per second. Geared towards experienced hobbyists, the cameras also feature, full HDTV movie-making with continuous autofocus and 16.7 (A55) and 14.6 (A33) megapixel resolution. DAVID BUSCH'S SONY ALPHA SLT-A55/A33 GUIDE TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY shows you how, when, and why to use all the cool features, controls, and functions of both the A55 and A33 to take great photographs of anything. Introductory chapters will help you get comfortable with the basics of their camera before they dive right into exploring creative ways to apply A55 and A33 file formats, resolution, aperture/priority exposure, and automatic exposure features. Beautiful...

David Busch's Sony Alpha DSLR-A390/A290

Digital Photography
David Busch's Sony Alpha DSLR-A390/A290 Image
DAVID BUSCH'S SONY ALPHA DSLR-A390/290 GUIDE TO DIGITAL SLR PHOTOGRAPHY shows you how, when, and why to use all the cool features, controls, and functions of Sony's newest advanced digital SLR cameras to take great photographs of anything. Though smaller in size than their predecessors, the A390 and A290 boast a robust feature set including 14.2 megapixels of resolution and blazing fast automatic focus, and the A390 offers cool new features like the real-time preview system called Live View, as well as amazing new features including support for SD cards, HDTV connections, and improved image quality. You'll learn how, when, and, most importantly, why to use all the cool features and functions of your camera to take eye-popping photographs. Introductor...

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