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.NET for Java Developers

Migrating to C#
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.NET for Java Developers explains the .NET Framework from a Java programmer's perspective. Java has become such a popular language partly because it makes web-based rapid application development possible on different platforms. For Windows applications, however, Java has not been able to utilize all the platform-specific features that are available to Visual Basic and Visual C++. C# is the perfect solution. The similarities between Java and C# offer a channel for Java programmers to reuse their skills on the Windows platform. This book is filled with comparisons between Java and C#, to help Java programmers easily migrate their current skills to C# and the .NET set of development tools. It contains extensive sample code to illustrate the concepts. Th...

Documenting Software Architectures

Views and Beyond
Documenting Software Architectures Image
Architecture is crucial to the success of any large software system -- but even a superb architecture will fail if it isn't communicated well. Now, there's a language- and notation-independent guide to capturing architecture so it can be used successfully by every analyst, software designer, and developer. The authors review the diverse goals and uses of software architecture documentation, providing documentation strategies for several common scenarios. They identify the basic unit of software architecture documentation: the viewtype, which specifies the type of information to be provided in an architectural view. For each viewtype -- Modules, Component-and-Connectors, and Allocation -- they offer detailed guidance on documenting what really matters...

A Developer's Guide to Data Modeling for SQL Server

Covering SQL Server 2005 and 2008
A Developer's Guide to Data Modeling for SQL Server Image
A Developer's Guide to Data Modeling for SQL Server explains the concepts and practice of data modeling with a clarity that makes the technology accessible to anyone building databases and data-driven applications. 'Eric Johnson and Joshua Jones combine a deep understanding of the science of data modeling with the art that comes with years of experience. If you're new to data modeling, or find the need to brush up on its concepts, this book is for you.'-Peter Varhol, Executive Editor, Redmond Magazine Model SQL Server Databases That Work Better, Do More, and Evolve More Smoothly Effective data modeling is essential to ensuring that your databases will perform well, scale well, and evolve to meet changing requirements. However, if you're modelin...

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