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ZK Developer's Guide

Developing responsive user interfaces for web applications using Ajax, XUL, and the open source ZK rich web client development framework
ZK Developer's Guide Image
ZK is an open-source web development framework that enables web applications to have the rich user experiences and low development costs that desktop applications have had for years. ZK includes an Ajax-based event-driven engine, rich sets of XML User Interface Language (XUL) and XHTML components, and a markup language. The ZK rich client framework takes the so-called server-centric approach: the content synchronization of components and the event pipelining between clients and servers are automatically done by the engine and Ajax plumbing codes are completely transparent to web application developers. Therefore, the end users get rich user interfaces with similar engaged interactivity and responsiveness to that of desktop applications, while for pro...

Visual SourceSafe 2005

Software Configuration Management in Practice
Visual SourceSafe 2005 Image
This book uses a real-world case-study project to teach you how to manage software configuration efficiently using Visual SourceSafe 2005, Microsoft's Software Configuration Management (SCM) solution for independent developers and for developers working in small- and medium-sized teams. It also provides a best-practices reference on using SourceSafe 2005 to manage the software development lifecycle. This book is for .NET developers, testers and configuration managers who: Use Visual Studio .NET 2005 for building software. Want to use software configuration to manage their products in day-to-day activities. Want to improve their efficiency by learning to use the best practices with SourceSafe. Want to install, manage, and configure Visual SourceSafe 2...

Tcl/Tk 8.5 Programming Cookbook

Tcl/Tk 8.5 Programming Cookbook Image
This book provides a step-by-step approach to the Tcl/Tk language with the help of re-usable examples and images. It is a series of carefully organized, easy-to-follow, standalone recipes to solve your queries. Whether you go through the recipes chapter-wise or pick up any recipe randomly, you will find clear and complete explanation of the task covered in the recipe. If you are a beginner interested in adding Tcl/Tk 8.5 to your list of languages, or an experienced Tcl/Tk programmer looking to sharpen your knowledge, be assured, you will find your prefect guide in this book. Whether you are developing for your personal use or commercial applications, this book will provide you with a ready reference to the building blocks of Tcl/Tk 8....

Spring Python 1.1

Spring Python 1.1 Image
The book is an introduction to Spring Python. It starts with simple practical applications, moving on to more advanced applications with two advanced case studies at the end of the book. It is packed with screenshots, examples, and ready-to-use code making it very suitable for a beginner while also showing tactics and concepts suitable for the most experienced developers. Each chapter starts with a simple problem to solve, and then dives into how Spring Python provides the solution with step-by-step code samples. Along the way, screenshots and diagrams are used to show critical parts of the solution. The case studies start off with a handful of use cases, and then proceed step-by-step to incrementally develop features. Some use cases are left to the ...

Sage Beginner's Guide

Sage Beginner's Guide Image
This is a beginner's guide with clear step-by-step instructions, explanations, and advice. Each concept is illustrated with a complete example that you can use as a starting point for your own work. If you are an engineer, scientist, mathematician, or student, this book is for you. To get the most from Sage by using the Python programming language, we'll give you the basics of the language to get you started. For this, it will be helpful if you have some experience with basic programming concepts....

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